經營模擬系統在不管是學界、業界之人員培養及訓練上,皆可提供相當大之功效,然近年來較為人知的幾套系統大都是模擬製造業等為主,由於近年來觀光產業興起,卻未能有一套系統針對該產業之特殊性進行設計,因此本系統即為這趨勢產生。 Mr.Hotel 2013係承接Ms.Hotel 2012,並持續做改善及開發,本系統依據國立中央大學會計研究所鄭漢鐔教授所提出之8十事業模式作為架構,並與資管學系林熙禎教授合作建立團隊。 本研究將比較Mr.Hotel 2013預期與實際成果的差異,並針對團隊成員、規劃與執行過程及系統本身各面向分析系統未成順利上線之原因,最後將提出未來建議。 ;The operation simulation systems have been an important training developing tool for academic and commercial fields. However, most of the popular simulators focus on manufacturing rather than other businesses. In recent years, the tourism industries flourish day by day. Unfortunately, no any exist system is designed based on the characteristic specifications. Under this background, this system is designed to satisfy the needs of tourism industries Mr. Hotel 2013 is developed and upgrade from Ms. Hotel 2012. This simulator was based on the “8+ Business Model” which were proposed via Dr. Jeng and casted via Dr. Lin’s software team. This research aims to make compressions on the differences between the simulated results and physical results. It also focuses on the processes of frame design, human factors, and system architectures to discuss the possible reasons of system corruption. With those reasons, the final goal of the research, some suggestions could be generated for the next generation simulators.