如何在網際網路上鑑別使用者身份,一直是網路服務提供者必須面對的問題,而一個良好的鑑別協定首重安全性,並且可以達成雙方交互認證的功能。一般來說,愈複雜的鑑別協定,可有效增加惡意攻擊者破解的難度,然而,卻可能造成協定運作的運算成本過高及使用設備的限制,反而缺乏易用性。因此,如何發展兼顧安全性及易用性一直是相關研究者共同努力的目標。 QR code為1994年由日本DENSO WAVE公司所開發出的一種二維條碼,所謂QR為Quick Response的縮寫,最早應用於汽車零件管理。隨著智慧型手機的盛行,使得一般人可隨時可以利用智慧型手機上的相機進行拍攝工作。由於QR code可透過相機拍攝後快速解碼,再加上它具有高儲存容量及高容錯等優點,所以可以打破普通條碼需要特定掃瞄器的限制,使得QR code成為近年來十分熱門的技術應用領域,例如:高鐵車票、電子發票及網址連結等。 本論文將結合上述兩項領域,提出一種利用QR code來實現的高安全性的鑑別協定。本論文完整介紹鑑別協定各階段的運作機制外,並透過實作來展現協定具有QR code的相關優點。另外,我們採用了GNY logic來分析鑑別協定的邏輯合理性及進行常見各類型攻擊的安全性分析,藉此證明鑑別協定具備高安全性。最後,我們期望透過本項鑑別協定的提出,提供網站服務者一項可實際應用兼具易用性及安全性的鑑別協定的選擇,並且可將此認證機制,應用於各種行動通訊系統中。 ;User authentication over the Internet has been a long issue to the service providers as well as the users of the Internet services. A good authentication protocol must provide high security and mutual authentication for both sides. In addition, it has to find the balance between security and usability, as finding the balance is a hard problem shown in the literature. To solve this problem, we propose a novel mutual authentication protocol with high security and high usability. The proposed protocol is developed on QR code, a type of two-dimensional barcode that can be taken by the camera and be quickly decoded by smart phones. We have implemented a prototype using the proposed mutual authentication protocol, and showed how the prototype improves usability in a mobile communication system. We also use the GNY logic with several well-known attack models to analyze the security of the proposed protocol, and it shows a satisfactory result. We expect that, via the proposed protocol, the Internet service providers are able to provide a mutual authentication mechanism with high security and high usability.