本研究指出當市場環境日漸競爭時,波爾多產區在產業之權威,除了其悠遠歷史、風土、品種、列級酒莊佔有優勢外,更由此地區發展出來的品牌權益造就其難以取代之市場地位。故其產區與酒莊需建構強而有力之品牌權益,以提升無形價值並有利於全球化品牌管理所推廣之行銷策略,讓波爾多產區鞏固葡萄酒市場競爭地位外,更能永續其品牌價值。;The study, with the case study of Bordeaux, examines the effect of brand equity on its marketing strategy. It is found that the importance and irreplaceability of Bordeaux is derived from the region′s competitive advantages such as long-standing history, varieties, and classification system. Theory of brand equity is adopted to discuss the marketing strategy of Bordeaux. Marketing strategies based on the brand equity ensure Bordeaux’s attaining its competitive edge in the global market. Suggestions for future research and managerial implications are thus discussed.