邇來,醫病關係之發展過程,因醫療風險之存在,伴隨著醫療糾紛之爭議,在醫病雙方面對醫療糾紛如何有效率釐清醫病爭議,已成為我國醫病關係所關注之課題。本論文由醫病關係間存在著醫療糾紛之角度出發,並以醫療契約之醫師負有說明義務之相關議題作為本論文之研究目的。 本論文撰寫內容共分為三個部分,第一部分在探討醫療糾紛影響我國醫療病關係之運作,進而論述到醫療糾紛之成因、醫師之法律責任及緩和醫療糾紛之衝突。第二部分乃係介紹醫療契約之履約內容,並就醫師說明義務之概念加以闡釋。第三部分則針對醫師說明義務之理論,並佐以我國法院民事判決見解,針對醫師實施醫療行為之過程,是否有違反說明義務,且因我國法院在審查醫師是否有違反說明義務受限於個案事實,難以體現說明義務之判斷標準,本論文以歸納分析我國法院對於個案醫師在從事說明義務之妥適性,劃分明確之判斷標準,進而提出我國醫師於實踐說明義務之具體建議,以期待醫病關係未來在面對醫療糾紛得有所依循方向。;Recently, the process of doctor-patient relationship, due to the controversy of medical disputes with the presence of medical risks. To deal with medical disputes, the doctor-patient relationship has become the concern of this problem. The purpose of the study was to analysis doctor-patient relationship and the doctors′ duty to disclose medical information for medical contract. This thesis has three parts. The first part medical disputes affect the operation of doctor-patient relationship such as the causes of medical disputes, doctors′ legal liability, the alleviation of medical disputes. The second part focuses on the medical contract content, and how to interpret the doctors′ duty to disclose medical information. The last part does the theory of doctors′ duty to disclose medical information and analysis of the judge duty degree standard findings on medical lawsuit cases in Taiwan’s civil court. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on the doctors′ duty to disclose medical information for medical contract.