本研究旨在了解員工之工作壓力、工作滿意與職業倦怠的現況,並探討其工作壓力、工作滿意與職業倦怠之相互關係。隨經濟結構的轉型,現代時代的變遷,企業的員工更是不可或缺的重要角色。優秀的員工則為各家企業與產業中重要的資產。因此,本研究以各大行業之員工為研究對象,透過迴歸分析以了解工作壓力、工作滿意度及離職倦怠等構面之間的關係。希望透過問卷調查的方式,了解員工之工作壓力、工作滿意以及離職倦怠感的關係,對管理實務與未來研究者提出建議,以做為企業及後續相關研究的參考。;This study aims at exploring the relationships among employees’ job stress, job satisfaction and burnout. Data were collected via the distribution of questionnaires to employees in various industries in Taiwan. It is found that job stress is positively related to employees’ burnout and negatively related to job satisfaction. In addition, employees’ job satisfaction is negatively related to burnout. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research were thus discussed.