摘要: | 論文名稱: 導入流程導向產品生命週期管理-以隱形眼鏡產業為例 以目前全球產業的發展趨勢,隱形眼鏡產業可稱得上是新興的藍海產業,近五年越來越多新公司或是其他產業轉投資的子公司想進入此產業瓜分這塊大餅,但因隱形眼鏡被歸類於醫療產品,在技術、機台限制與各國醫療證照取得門檻很高,加上消費市場需求日新月異,現今國際市場仍被幾家大型公司寡占,前四大廠商市佔率甚已超過80%,其餘公司皆在新產品開發過程中因流程無考慮到產品生命週期發展,導致規劃量產上市排程失準及無法預測市場銷售模式,遭遇許多生產管理決策上的錯誤。 隱形眼鏡產品種類及功能甚多,消費者需求也趨多樣化(包括舒適度、高透氧性、保濕性、抗UV和變色放大瞳片等),產品在市場上的生命週期越來越短,而如何在最短的時間內不論是自有品牌或專業代工都必須設計生產出品質、功能、價格皆能滿足市場需求的產品,且在新產品開發時就規劃好生命週期,尤其是針對並行的生產計劃及庫存管理,都對公司內部利潤獲得佔了極大關鍵因素。 本研究主要於個案A公司的新產品開發流程中導入PLM系統,並且應用ARIS建模工具改善現有企業流程,另將個案公司OEM及OBM產品之銷售面進行分類,針對生產排程計畫及庫存管理納入開發流程規劃內,將產品從市場研究獲得客戶資訊到量產導入上市計畫,都可達到人力物力最佳化,期望能提供此相關產業將導入新產品之公司生產與管理決策做為參考,以提升新產品開發的時間成效與企業競爭力。 關鍵字:隱形眼鏡產業、產品生命週期、ARIS、企業流程改善 ;Given the current evolution of global market, contact lenses market is considered one of the emerging blue ocean markets. In the past five years, more and more companies or reinvestment from other industries are keen to enter and share this market. Considering that contact lenses is categorized into medical appliances, however, its threshold in application of product technique, apparatus, and license is high and the consumer market is rapidly evolved, in which the market is still dominated by a small number of oligopolies sharing more than 80% of the market. Other less-occupied firms are encountering issues of production control and decision due to improper evaluation of product life cycle in new product development thus leading to failure in planning of mass production, scheduling of product launch, and prediction of market sales model. There is a variety of function and types of contact lenses products, and consumer demands are getting diverse (such as comfort, high oxygen permeability, moisture retention, uvioresistant, cosmetics contact lenses, and etc.) The product life cycle is getting shorter and shorter, to ensure intercompany profit for either OBM or OEM, efficient design and production of quality- and price-satisfactory manufactures are of important factors. Moreover, life cycle planning in the beginning of product development, especially parallel program of production and inventory control, also plays an important role in generating profits. This research aims at providing manufacturing and managing decision references for companies that are introducing new products in this industry. We introduce PLM system to the new product development procedure of Company A as a case study. The modeling tool of ARIS is adopted to improve current business procedure. In order to optimize human and physical resources, the OEM and OBM product sales of the case company are classified to bring production planning and inventory control into the development procedure. Besides, bringing customer information obtained from marketing research in transition to mass production and product launch is done to better enhance the optimization. We hope this study will elevate efficiency of new product development and company competitive strength.
Keyword:Contact lenses industry、PLM、ARIS、BPM |