台灣的醫療產業自全民健保開辦以來,全台的醫療院所有如雨後春筍般的蓬勃快速發展,在市場興盛發展下,台灣的醫療產業環境和醫療品質達到了良好的水平;從收入層面來看,在非自費的醫療領域中,健保的規定即密切影響著醫療院所的收入,而近年來全民健康保險的制度一再的轉換改變,醫療院所為求生存,只能改變制度來因應全民健康保險的制度變化。近年台灣的人口結構也已逐漸改變,漸漸的造成小型醫療院所難以生存,在這難以發展的環境中,小型的醫療院所如果不想放棄經營只能朝精緻的醫療服務發展;而所謂精緻的醫療產業服務即為自費醫療,例如:高級做月子中心、醫療美容中心或健檢中心等模式,但市場也日趨飽和的狀態,於是大陸剛開放的醫療產業市場就成了台灣醫療業的新藍海,開始有醫療產業朝大陸開發新市場,而本研究將以半結構性訪談的方式整理出台灣的醫療院所進入中國大陸市場的歷程。;The health care industry in Taiwan has become prosperous and achieves to a better service quality since the National Health Insurance initiated. In the meantime, the Insurance plays a critical role to all medical institutions especially in profits. In order to survive, hospitals have to react quickly and constantly as the policy change. Services excluded from the insurance coverage become more and more popular. For example, the population of Taiwan has encountered a dramatic change which causes small medical institutions focus on niche markets such as the postpartum care center, the medical beauty center, the health examination center and so on. With the market getting mature in Taiwan, China becomes another blue sea for the hearth care industry. This study will present the entry models of China health care market by interviewing medical institutions in Taiwan.