本論文的目的為開發硬體模擬在迴路測試在進行正式實測前,驗證衝擊放大式微重力計軟硬體之功能,由於不易取得真實微重力環境下的加速度,因此利用已開發之電腦動態模擬軟體,模擬在微重力環境下的加速度感測數據,依照此數據產生替代MEMS加速度計之輸出訊號,以模擬真實訊號,藉以激發微重力計之硬體控制系統的功能,以確認控制系統的軟硬體對於受測環境的反應之正確性。;Micro gravity environment is difficult to obtain, if is desirable to verify the functionality of a microgravity meter during its development before its real tests in the micro gravity environment. A computerized mems accelerator emulator is developed to generate its electric signals lased on the simulation results of the sensing function of the Impact Enlarged Micro gravity Meter in a real test. The emulated signals until stimulate the control system of the micro gravity meter to confirm its correct response to the real impact data of would be real micro gravity test.