本論文提出以全像技術製作一太陽頻譜分光元件應用於砷化鎵太陽能電池系統,用以改善因紅外光波段照射而產生之熱效應所造成光電轉換效率降低之問題。在此,研究針對太陽光譜設計三張繞射不同紅外光波段中心波長之全像分光光柵,且利用多片單次曝光全像分光光柵堆疊之技術完成本論文所提出之堆疊全像分光元件。實驗結果顯示,各全像分光光柵之繞射校率分別為80.2%、85.59%與62.67%,繞射中心波長偏移量約為-7 ~ +65nm,且堆疊後之繞射效率頻譜與模擬趨勢接近;再者,藉由太陽光模擬器重建堆疊元件並全程監控量測受長時間照射之太陽能電池的表面溫度與光電轉換效率,結果顯示,本研究所設計之堆疊全像分光元件加入與否,其溫度降低約2.9°C,且同時獲得近8%之光電轉換效率提升。;For common solar cell, the lower photovoltaic conversion efficiency is mainly caused by unnecessary thermal of infrared radiation. Therefore, a solar spectrum-division technique by stacked volume holograms is proposed to separate the infrared spectra to reduce the thermal effect. In our research, we are going to design three different holographic grating, from which diffract different spectrum parts the incident beam. The diffraction spectrum for each hologram had been computed by the detected transmission spectrum and the diffraction efficiencies of reconstruction wavelengths are 80.2%, 85.9%, and 62.67%, respectively. Moreover, the reconstruction wavelength had been deviated around -7 ~ +65nm. And further, using temperature and photovoltaic conversion efficiency measurement modes are confirmed the ability of spectrum-division element. Compare with these two conditions, with or without element, the experiment results show that the temperature difference is 2.9°C and the photovoltaic conversion efficiency is enhanced around 8%.