本研究主旨在於檢視研究個案之建立歷程與經營現況,進而歸納目前新北市客家文創產業現況與困境,以提出產業發展策略與政策建議。本研究以文獻分析法、深度訪談等方法進行分析與研究,依據SWOT分析後將訪談內容以MAXQDA質化分析軟體整理歸納後之研究發現如下:(1)新北市客家特色產業之經營策略(4C)為:懂得創新與建立品牌特色-Creative、將顧客需求奉為圭臬-Customer、落實企業社會責任-CSR、產品融入客家元素-Character等策略。(2)以優勢-Benefit、多元特質-Multielement、弱勢-Weakness來概述新北市客家文化創意產業發展現況(BMW);(3)新北市文化創意產業經營困境(2P2M)區分為文化傳承-Pass down、公部門-Public、外部市場威脅-Market、欠缺資金-Money等困境。研究認為新北市可藉由其交通方便、人潮眾多、人才聚集等優勢,彙整各地客家原鄉特色商品並建立通路,才能運用自身優勢建立有別於其他縣市的核心競爭力,並提高新北市客家文創產業能見度與產值。;The study aims to examine the business strategy of cases, and summarize the status and difficulties of the Hakka Cultural and Creative Industry in New Taipei City. In this study, we take the methods through literature analysis, and in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed by SWOT and MAXQDA qualitative analysis. This study summarizes the following points: (1) The business strategy of the Hakka industry in New Taipei City is: Creative, Customer, CSR, and Character (4C). (2) The Hakka cultural and creative industry development status in New Taipei City is included in Benefit, Multielement, and Weakness (BMW). (3) In this study, the difficulties of cultural and creative industries in New Taipei City are -Pass down, Public, Market, and Money (2P2M). The study shows that New Taipei City may through its conveniently located, crowds and talented person gathered, to aggregate the original Hakka township specialty and build the access, in order to use its advantages to create its core competitiveness, and improve the Hakka Cultural and Creative Industry’s visibility and value in New Taipei City.