摘要: | 用「客家」文化的元素來提升產業的內涵,便是客庄特色產業的基礎,然而,過程中商業卻逐漸吞噬文化,走向產業空洞化的窘境,為凸顯問題的重要性,吸引更多注目,筆者將用技術、資源、資訊、銷售、節慶活動及個人等六個層面的建構指標與深度訪談來做檢測分析,呈現其中的利與弊,並試圖反思以提出合適的建議。 「農會」一直是在地社會、權力與產業發展集合的中心,「公館鄉農會」認知到自身對在地的影響力,用網絡治理的概念積極輔導地方發展,紅棗、福菜及芋頭產業是目前最具代表性的三種類型,然而,與政府單位、業者、產銷班、地方社團、農民與一般民眾等各方利害相關人互動的過程中,是否能真正落實網絡治理的內涵,且面臨的困境又是為何都須透過研究檢測來分析證明。 從研究結果發現,一、公館鄉農會以「客家」為自己定位,是區域空間連結的橋樑;二、在產業網絡中扮演「中間轉譯者」與「銷售業者」的雙重角色;三、是掌握資源與資訊的權力者,具有取得與篩選分配的能力;四、於社會網絡的連結中,是最主要的行動者,累績豐富的社會資本。但,同時也面臨到一些困境,包含:產業與客家認同上的爭議、產業升級的停滯、人才培育、組織僵化、不夠落實的網絡治理及外在大環境競爭影響等問題。 筆者回應研究目的及研究發現而提出以下建議︰一、扮演好銷售面的「溝通企劃人」;二、落實網絡共治的互動平台;三、成為擴大社會網絡的新創家;四、由農會擔起客家文化代言人的重責;五、改變從組織專業人才做起等五項,期望未來公館鄉農會能更加落實「網絡治理」的真諦,帶動地方產業發展走向新的紀元。 ;Hakka culture is the core value of Hakka industry,however,excessive commercialization results in industrial hollowing-out,so the author use six concepts which are ‘’technology、resource、information、sale、celebration and personal’’layers to examine,as well as interview with different actors so as to search out some Strengths and Weaknesses,also give some feedbacks for Kung-Kuan Farmers′ Association. Farmers′ Association always assembles of society、power and industry,so Kung-Kuan Farmers′ Association developes local industries by network governance, Jujube、Taros and Pickled mustard greens are representative industries in Kung-Kuan.Different actors which are ‘’governent、businessman、porduction and marketing teams、local associations、farmers and normal people how to connect with Kung-Kuan Farmers′ Association in those industries network should be inspected. In conclusion,first,Kung-Kuan Farmers′ Association combines with hakka culture and region;second,it is a translator and saler in the industrial nework;third,it holds the most power and resources;forth,it is a most important actor in the social network.But,it also confronts some problems,such as identity crisis of hakka and industry、industrial upgrading stagnation、organization becomes rigid、compete with similar industries and so on. In order to solve these problems,the author will give some suggestions for Kung-Kuan Farmers′ Association.First,be a good producer to communicate with other actors in the sale layer;second,builds a platform of network governance;third,becomes a innovator to expand the social network;forth,represents a speaker of hakka culture;at last,trains its employee to be more occupational.The author hope that it will really conduct network governance to develop local industries. |