我國於1998年起開始啟動公司治理的機制,分階段要求公司完成獨立董事的設置,其中特別仰賴具會計或財務專業人士之專才以期發揮監督經營管理階層之功能,藉以強化與保護所有利益關係人的權益及促進公司之發展。國內外學者偏重於會計或財務專業人士之獨立董事在監督盈餘管理或報導品質上之探討,本文則將會計或財務專業人士分成會計、學術、銀行、財務、證券、政府、保險等七大類別,研究其不同類別與公司績效(ROA)之關聯性,實證結果顯示除了保險類別無顯著的關係外,其餘類別均呈現顯著的正向關係;再觀察與市價淨值比(PB ratio)之關聯性,結果顯示所有類別均呈現顯著的正向關係,上述結果冀有助於公司在遴選獨立董事時之參考。;Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) started the installation of independent directors since 1998. In particular, FSC has been emphasizing the value of so-called “financial expert” independent directors, who are believed to impose strict monitoring on the validity of financial statement. In this thesis, we separate the financial expert directors into several categories by the nature of their occupations: academic, bankers, government officials, and the practitioners in security, insurance, and accounting firms. We find the presence of these financial experts on board indeed lead to higher firm performance, measured by return on assets (ROA) and price-book value ratio (P/B). Overall, our evidence advocates the value of financial expert independent directors.