許多大型活動的舉辦往往吸引大批民眾參與,而因應大批人潮聚集產生的瞬間話務大量擁入行為,即時掌握現場通信品質狀況,對電信維運者言,是一項值得研究的議題。本論文中以高雄龍騰國家體育館大型活動實例為說明,除於活動前的網路優化外,另於活動期間搭配手持式手機工具方式同步掌握訊務品質,透過利用此工具內的資訊,回報後端監控人員來優化因應,如調整基地台功率、電子傾角等方式小區域優化。最後我們展示了該場大型活動相關細胞訊務量與品質指標的量測統計,結果符合我們預先之優化與管控目標。;An appropriate planning and real time quality of service control in a cellular network for a large activity is a subject worthy of study for dealing with a large number of mobile subscribers’ call request simultaneously. In this thesis, except optimizing mobile network performance before the event, we must ensure network of quality by handheld-phone tools during the activity for the Long-Term National Stadium in Kaohsiung. Through the use of information at tools, we can inform back-end monitor staff to deal or optimize it immediately, such as adjusting power of base station, electrical down-tile or other methods in a small region. Finally, the cells’ traffic statistics and communication quality measurement results of the activity area show that our planning is successful and satisfied with the quality of service.