事業模式是企業經營決策與經營績效的彙總,正確且適當的決策可使企業往成功的方向邁進。目前眾多的模擬系統當中,鮮少以事業模式做為設計架構,無法模擬多變的市場環境,不足以呈現公司經營狀況的全貌,以及策略規劃和執行的過程。「My Brand 2014 事業模式與決策模擬系統」是一個網路應用的管理教育系統,它以「8十事業模式」作為系統設計的基本架構,提供學員在不同環境下經營企業,規劃並執行各種決策,達成企業獲利及成長的目標。 本研究係以「2015事業模式與決策模擬競賽」的資料做為決策分析的基礎,並使用8十事業模式做為決策分析的架構,探討事業模式建立之過程,以及比較成功事業模式和失敗事業模式之差異。 研究結果顯示,成功的事業模式比失敗的事業模式有較高的投資報酬率及營收成長率,其原因為成功的事業模式展現較嚴謹的成本控制、較高的創新能量、較穩健增長的資源規模、較寬廣的關係網絡以及較靈活的應變能力;反之,失敗的事業模式呈現較不嚴謹的成本控制、較少的產品線開發、較小的資源投入、較侷限的關係網絡以及較為遲鈍的應變能力。 ;Business model is the summary of business decision-making and operating performance, proper and appropriate decision allows companies to successful direction. "My Brand 2014 Business Model and Decision Simulation System" is a network application management education system, use "8-cross business model" as the basic structure, to provide students operating enterprise in different environments, planning and execution decision, to achieve the target of corporate profits and growth. This study used 8-cross business model as the architecture of decision analysis, to compare the successful and failure business models. The result shows that the successful business model has higher return on investment and growth rate of sales than the failure business model; the reason for the success of the business model has more stringent cost control, higher innovation energy, more robust growth in the scale, more wide networks as well as flexible adaptability.