近年,行動裝置的蓬勃發展已經改變了許多既有的生活方式,讓我們可以不受時間地點的限制,實現很多過去無法完成的事情,同時也帶動很多領域的技術發展。在行動醫療上,我們得利於這場行動裝置的革命,讓我們可以更加便利的檢測。在過去檢測時,我們需要龐大的儀器,費時費工;但時至如今,我們可以透過無線傳輸的技術,和生理資訊的電子感測器,隨時隨地擷取身體關於健康的蛛絲馬跡並即時顯示在行動裝置上,增進了檢測的效率和便利。 我們在這篇論文中,統整並開發出一套包含心電圖及脈波圖感測器的穿戴式儀器以及對應的智慧裝置應用程式。我們利用開發出來的程式進行大量數據截取實驗以及數據回歸分析後,獲得脈波傳遞時間相對收縮壓以及舒張壓的線性關係方程式。由實驗所得的方程式並配合我們統整開發的器材,透過皮膚和手指接觸,便可達成血壓量測的目的。我們的研究改善過去侵入式血壓量測所帶來的不適感和袖套式血壓機的不便利,實作出一項有未來性且可用於行動醫療和健康照護上的利器。 ;Recently, our usual life has been changed sharply due to the flourishing growth of the portable smart devices. It breaks through the limitation of time and space and makes everything more reachable than before, which simultaneously triggers the increasing inventions in many research fields. In the mobile health care, we highly benefit from these technological revolutions. Modern techniques monitor physical conditions by the light and small biological sensors and transmit detailed information via the wireless network to our portable smart device immediately. The previous disadvantages during the examination, e.g. the enormous equipment, the time and cost acquirement, are much improved now. In this thesis, we develop an Android application program and also design a wearable device contains the Electrocardiography (ECG) sensor and the Photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor. The relation between the Pulse transit time (PTT) and the blood pressure was investigated successfully via our programs and device. The blood pressure can be easily measured in our wearable device through the contact between our skin and the sensors. It decreases the chance of infection from the invasive method and erases the uncomfortable and inconvenience from the cuff-based method. Our researches not only implement a useful tool but also shed light on the mobile health care in the future.