近年來政府積極推廣永續環境及節能減碳政策,使用綠建材是推動綠色工程的重要手段。國內綠建材標章自93年推動以來,產品項目至今涵蓋7,531種,顯示營建產業對於綠建材的重視及需求日益增長,市場潛力不容小覷。惟目前國內學術界及產業界對於廠商取得綠建材標章後之經營現況探討與研究仍相當有限。因此,本研究透過問卷方式進行綠建材標章產業調查,調查對象為取得標章仍於效期限內之綠建材廠商,了解廠商於取得綠建材標章後之營收效益變化,並加以探討分析。本研究共計發放問卷廠商數278家,回收121份,回收率達43.5%。 本研究調查結果發現綠建材廠商其產品於取得綠建材標章後,64%廠商認同其市佔率有成長,51%廠商認同其獲利率有成長,56%廠商認同其總產值有成長,說明綠建材標章對於提升廠商於市場經營確實具有正面之效益。此外,本研究將產業調查結果再透過專家訪談,研擬出十二項綠建材產業推動策略建議,並按照策略執行層面分為政策、法規、制度等三個面向,可供相關政府單位將來推廣與修正綠建材標章制度推動做為參考,促使國內綠建材之應用更為廣泛與普及化。;In recent years, the government actively promotes the environmental sustainability as well as the carbon reduction related policies. The use of the green building materials is an important means to promote green infrastructures. This development prompts the construction industry to grow its attention for green building materials. Since the starting of Green Building Material Labels in 2004 in Taiwan, the number of manufactures applying for and obtaining the labels has increased year by year. So far, the green label materials include more than 7,531 product items. It can be seen that getting the Green Building Material Labels has become the new trend of the industry. Its market potential should not be overlooked. Nevertheless, less research is done to investigate the market benefits of getting Green Building Material Labels. The goal of this research is to investigate the label’s market benefits and to develop the strategies for promoting the label system. Questionnaires were sent out to all of the manufacturers that obtained Green Building Material Labels. 121 out of 278 (43.5%) questionnaires were returned. According to the statistical result, it was found that 64% of the green label manufacturers agreed their market share has grown; 51% of them agreed their profit has increased; and 56% of them agreed their gross value of output has grown. The result shows that the Green Building Material Labels does improve the market benefit for the green label manufacturers. In addition, with the survey results, this study interviewed the industry experts and proposes twelve strategies for promoting the Green Building Material Labels. The twelve strategies are further grouped into the categories of government policy, regulation and labelling system. They are reported in the thesis.