近年來,傢俱產業受到勞動成本增加、原料取得困難、…等不利因素之影響,經營環境轉趨惡劣,傳統以低價生產之模式,已經無法有效面對市場的競爭,廠商也開始朝高客製化、高精緻化及多樣化模式進行轉型,其中系統傢俱正好符合上述轉型的特點,吸引了許多廠商投入其中。但系統傢俱的生產涉及了門市接單、圖面設計、原料採購、生產製造、…等眾多複雜之組織流程,該如何建構出有效的供應鏈或設計鏈流程模型,成為很重要的議題。 本研究將以SCOR及DCOR模型為理論基礎,建構出符合系統傢具業之流程模型,研究的步驟,第一步研究SCOR模型的各分層,第二步研究DCOR模型的各分層,最後以個案公司做為案例建立SCOR及DCOR之流程模型。個案公司目前為國內規模最大之系統傢俱公司,期望透過此研究提供給國內傢俱業者,於執行供應鏈及設計鏈時有良好的實務典範可以參考,為台灣產業競爭力貢獻一己之力。;In recent years, the industry of furniture has been influenced by lots of unfavorable factors, ex. the labor costs increasing, difficulties in obtaining raw materials. These cause the operating environment severer day by day. The traditional mode of production in low-cost is unable to face the competition in the market effectively. So, it makes the manufacturers began to product in high customization, high refinement and diversification mode transformation. The system furniture is just fits well of above characteristics, so it attracts so many manufacturers join into this industry. However, the production of system furniture involves receiving order in store, drawing design, raw material procurement, manufacturing, ... and many other complex business processes, so, how to construct an effective supply chain model or design chain process become a very important issue. This article will base on the theory of SCOR and DCOR to construct a proper procedure model for system furniture industry. The first step is to study each section of SCOR model, then study each section of DCOR model and the final is to take a case study to build up a procedure model for SCOR and DCOR.The company in this article is currently the largest one in system furniture industry. We expect to build up a proper practice model sample through this research to provide the domestic furniture company for reference when they practice the supply chain and design chain.