由於行動通訊市場的成長,人們使用智慧型手機上網已經成為常態。雖然3G/4G目前已經上線一陣子了,但使用者大部分的網路流量依然是透過Wi-Fi傳輸。這也顯得Wi-Fi在行動網路依然相當重要。 在我們環境中存在著相當多的Wi-Fi熱點,但大多數的Wi-Fi熱點通常都是上鎖的情形亦或者需要帳號密碼進行登入。這樣的情況導致可用Wi-Fi熱點的覆蓋率低。若將這些上鎖的Wi-Fi密碼或者登入腳本以安全的方式分享給其他人使用,可以提高Wi-Fi的覆蓋率以及使用率。另外商家若是分享出自己建設的Wi-Fi熱點,亦可以透過Wi-Fi進行廣告的推送。 為了達到這個目的我們需要一個平台讓商家或者使用者能夠分享出自己所擁有的Wi-Fi密碼以及登入腳本。本篇論文提出了一個Wi-Fi分享平台,店家或使用者只需透過手機的應用程式就能將自己所擁有的Wi-Fi密碼或登入腳本透過加密的方式上傳至Wi-Fi分享系統。而其他使用者可在不知道帳號密碼的情形下,使用分享系統上的Wi-Fi密碼或者登入腳本進行上網。 ;Due to the growth of smart phones and mobile communications markets, more and more people use mobile devices to connect the Internet. While 3G/ 4G is now on-service for a while, most network traffic is still transmitted via Wi-Fi. From the above we can know that Wi-Fi is still quite important in mobile networks. There are a lot of Wi-Fi hotspots in the environment, but these Wi-Fi hotspots are usually locked or require account with a password to login. If these locked Wi-Fi passwords or login scripts can be shared with other users in a secure way, the Wi-Fi coverage and usage will be enhanced. In addition, stores that share their Wi-Fi hotspots may also push advertising from Wi-Fi. Based on the above reasons, we propose a required a platform for stores or users to share their own Wi-Fi passwords or login scripts. This paper presents a Wi-Fi sharing platform. Users can easily share their own encrypted Wi-Fi passwords or login script by uploading them to the sharing system. Then other users can connect to the Internet by using the shared password or login script without knowing password in plaintext.