對於陸上測站所記錄到地球物理資料和海洋環境參數兩者之間關係的了解,能增強目前主要由衛星、偵測飛行任務和離岸海洋浮標等方法來從事的氣候觀測任務,是了解極端氣候在沿岸環境可能造成影響的重要工作。目前雖然能藉由各種物理理論推導出各種氣候條件和固態地球之間互動過程,如波浪、氣壓或其他參數可能對於陸上地震或是地磁記錄影響,但實際分析顯示,其相互作用過程比這些物理模型所估計的複雜。因此,本研究希望藉由陸上地球物理資料和實際上所觀測到海洋參數的比對,來了解兩者之間的關聯性和研究其相互作用的物理機制。目的在於建立海洋觀測資料(例如波浪高度和周期等)和一些陸上地球物理資料訊號能量間的量化關係,了解其即時應用的可能性。 ;Analysis of the relationship between available geophysical data and sea wave heights is a fundamental step for understanding the interaction of sea storms with near coastal environment, as well as to gain insights about the possibility of forecasting sea wave heights from other geophysical data. In this study, we first focus on featuring the spectral properties of microseism and geomagnetic records in the Taiwan area. Looking at the amplitude spectrogram of the geophysical data, we hope to recognize the effects of several meteo-marine events that can be ascribed to the barometric changes and a series of sea storms in the vicinity of Taiwan area. The comparison of the microseism and geomagnetic spectrogram with the significant sea wave height recorded by the buoys allow us to evaluate the possibility of developing a law to predict sea wave heights as a function of the power spectral density (PSD). Then, the potential of our model will be tested by comparing predicted sea wave height values with observed data recorded in a period of time different from that covered by the data set used for the calibration of the model. This work represents a first step aiming at assessing the possibility of predicting significant sea wave height in the Taiwan area. ;研究期間:10506 ~ 10512