摘要: | 聚居山林的客家族群,長期守護著先祖留下的優質環境。然而在發展主義威脅下,傳統客家族群社區承擔工業發展後的環境退化惡果,造成生存及文化保存困境,這是一個相當具有急迫性的難題。客庄人文與自然環境一旦被摧毀,不僅將使客家族群再次成為失根浮萍,珍貴的客家文化及地方生態系統也將消失。在經濟掛帥、多數政府擁抱開發主義的時代,只能依靠公民社會的力量捍衛家園。然而,在一般人的印象中,傳統客家族群絕非帶頭作亂的抗爭者,而是協助統治者平亂的義民,這樣的特質是否有足夠動能捍衛家園與環境?針對這項疑慮,我們根據研究資料發現,在當代社會運動中客家族群並未缺席。事實上,客家人不但參與許多重要的社會運動,而且往往扮演相當重要的角色,對於台灣的政治、經濟、社會、文化發展都有相當正面的影響,其中包括實現環境正義的理想。客家族群奮起保衛家園,在台灣南北各發起重大環境抗爭,除順利保住客庄與文化,也樹立了優質的環境義民典範。 延續前期美濃反水庫運動的研究成果,本計畫擬以兩年為期,以台灣的客家環境運動為主軸,繼續運用環境正義觀點深入研究有關客家族群之社區永續議題。主要研究目的有二:第一、以美濃反水庫運動為基準,往前延伸調查在台灣有哪些傳統客家社區受到開發或污染威脅?造成這些環境退化的成因何在?第二、往後延伸探究新竹橫山客家山城的灰渣掩埋場設場爭議事件,並運用環境正義觀點深入分析這個以客家族群為抗議主體的事件之成功因素。最終目的希望能透過研究調查與資料整理,建構出一套完整的客家環境運動史,提供各界對客家族群參與環境運動的過程與影響有深入了解,同時在實務上能提供目前正面臨環境開發威脅及破壞的客家社區借鏡,並在學術上深化客家研究內涵。 ;In the long term, Hakka people inhabited in countryside guarding the high-quality environment inherited from their ancestors. However, under the threat of the modern developmentalism, the traditional Hakka communities bear the consequences of environmental degradation which is a plight for Hakka. Once Hakka communities and the natural environments are destroyed, not only the Hakka people will rootless again, the precious Hakka culture and local ecosystems will be disappeared as well. Being driven by economic power, most governments embrace the developmentalism, and the only hope for people is the power of the civil society to safeguard their own homeland. However, the general impression of the traditional Hakka people is definitely not leading rebellion protesters, but righteous people to assist the rulers pacify insurgencies. Is such a characteristic sufficient to defend their community and the environment? Based on a number of historical records, we found that the Hakka was not absent from the contemporary social movements. In fact, Hakka people not only participate in many crucial social movements in Taiwan, but also play an important role in practicing the ideal of environmental justice. Hakka people rose to defend their homeland, launching several major environmental movements in the north and south of Taiwan, except to keep Hakka community and culture safe and sound, but also to establish a role model of environmental citizenship. Proceeding of the preliminary research findings in Meinong anti-dam movement, this two-year project will be focus on the Hakka environmental movement in Taiwan, and continues the in-depth study of the sustainable development of the Hakka in the environmental justice perspectives. The main purpose is twofold: first, based upon my research outcome of the Meinong anti-dam movement, then, extend to investigate which traditional Hakka communities are being threatened by the pollution and degradation? What are the causes of the environmental degradation? Secondly, extend to explore the controversial event of Incinerator Ash Facility Siting in Hengsan, a Hakka township of Hsinchu County, and apply the principle of environmental justice to analysis those successful factors of this Hakka environmental movement. The outcome of this research project will establish the history of the Hakka environmental movement, and provide the experiences for the Hakka communities which are facing the threat of environmental exploitation and destruction, and deepen the connotation of the study of Hakka. ;研究期間:10501 ~ 10511 |