橋梁會隨著時間逐漸老化或因外力而損壞,為維持橋梁的服務功能與結構安全性,橋梁的維護與管理成為重要的課題。第一版之「公路養護手冊」於民國76年頒布,由於多條高速公路及快速公路陸續修建完成,76年版之手冊已不符實際需要,因而進行重新修訂。當時國內橋梁所使用之目視檢測主要分為DER&U及ABCDN兩種目視檢測法,第二版之「公路養護手冊」於92年3月正式頒布,規定新橋自完工後第五年開始要進行定期檢測,之後至少每兩年要檢測一次,同時將橋梁定期檢測方法明定為DER&U目視檢測法。 目前國內橋梁檢測相關標準規範包括「公路鋼結構橋梁之檢測及補強規範」(民國97年頒布)、「鐵路鋼結構橋梁之檢測及補強規範」(民國99年頒布)、「公路養護規範」(民國101年頒布)及「公路鋼筋混凝土結構橋梁之檢測及補強規範」(民國104年頒布),而自「公路鋼結構橋梁之檢測及補強規範」已降,針對DER&U評定方式則有重大的變革,有「DER&U導向ABCDN化」之趨勢。再者,現行規範對於混凝土結構劣化程度判定,似過於複雜且不切實際,將加深現場執行目視檢測人員判讀壓力,且在填列檢測表時,可能造成檢測結果過於保守之情形。 本研究將(1)蒐集並整理國內外橋梁檢測制度暨規範現況資料;(2)對我國橋梁相關檢測規範發展趨勢進行比較與探討;(3)訪談橋梁管理單位及橋梁檢測公司之第一線橋梁檢測人員及直屬主管;(4)利用「公路鋼結構橋梁之檢測及補強規範」、「公路鋼筋混凝土結構橋梁之檢測及補強規範」、86年版之「混凝土橋梁檢測手冊」,以及美國聯邦公路總署(FHWA)之檢測規範,對6座橋梁進行實地橋梁檢測及評估;(5)依據使用單位訪談、專家訪談及利用國內外橋梁檢測規範進行實地橋梁檢測及評估之結果,對目前國內橋梁檢測評估之內容及格式提出適度修訂之建議,供交通部酌參;(6)辦理期中及期末各一場會議及專家座談會;最後(7)依專家座談會之共識,提出未來國內橋梁檢測方式之具體建議及程序。 ;Bridge management and maintenance are crucial tasks to sustain the serviceability and safety of bridges since they are deteriorated with time or by external forces. In Taiwan, the first version of “Maintenance Manual of Highways” was announced in 1887 when many freeways and highways were built. However, DER&U and ABCDN were the two bridge visual inspection methodologies incorporated around time. The second version of the maintenance manual was published in 2003 in which visual inspection of bridge was regulated for at least once per two years using the DER&U methodology, excepted for the bridges less than five years old. Currently, official bridge inspection manuals include “Manual for Enhancement and Inspection of Highway Steel Bridges (2008),” “Manual for Enhancement and Inspection for Railway Steel Bridges (2010),” “Manual for Highway Maintenance (2012),” and “Manual for Enhancement and Inspection of Highway Concrete Bridges (2015).” However, evaluation of deterioration in the DER&U methodology has been changed significantly in these manuals due to the tendency of incorporating the ABCDN methodology into the DER&U evaluation. Consequently, such inspection becomes more complicated and imposes pressures to the inspectors who tend to be conservative when performing the inspection. This project plans to (1) collect domestic and international bridge inspection manuals to summarize inspection methodologies, (2) investigate development trends on bridge inspection, (3) interview bridge inspectors and their supervisors, (4) inspect six bridges based on the aforementioned manuals, (5) propose modifications of the manuals to the Ministry of Transportations and Communications, (6) conduct a midterm meeting and a yearend symposium with bridge inspection experts, and (7) summarize suggestions and propose a guidance for future bridge inspection. ;研究期間:10506 ~ 10512