物聯網(IoT)發展熱潮快速蔓延全球,隨著智慧行動裝置、NFC無線傳輸通訊、生物辨識等科技軟硬體系統技術成熟普及,無線網路基礎設施架構逐步完善,觸動人們生活型態與企業商業模式巨大改變,以往倚賴個人電腦、傳統作業流程、廠商規模能力等既定模式也發生變革,激盪出多樣性創新應用與服務。處於此背景環境下,行動支付的誕生,顛覆人們對於支付工具的想像,改變支付產業體系和參與者結構,為物聯網行動支付開創新的里程碑。 本研究主要探討物聯網行動支付,採質性研究方法,透過次級資料蒐集、彙整及分析,熟悉物聯網架構內容,理解行動支付方式、產業生態系統與未來發展趨勢,體會傳統支付工具運作情況,以建構支付產業概念基礎。輔以國際大廠推出的行動支付Apple Pay與支付寶錢包為個案研究對象,進行商品介紹、產品運作模式和生態系統組成研析。 經由深入明白個案的支付型態與組成之參與者彼此間合作關聯性,運用商業生態系統理論觀點識別個案成員角色重要性和職責,以及競爭與合作關係,領悟共同進化維繫生態系統體質健康的核心要素;再利用SWOT分析方法探究個案於競爭市場中所擁用的優勢機會,及其可能面臨的劣勢威脅。透過本研究發現,了解行動支付生態系統參與者自身定位與未來所應選擇及保持的合作關係,分取更多的利益,達成多贏局面,作為往後企業機構與產業單位擬定策略目標及規劃商業模式之參考依據。;Globally, the internet of things has thrived and expanded rapidly, resulting in enormous changes to people’s lifestyles and business models as technologies and wireless network infrastructure become increasingly developed. The introduction of mobile payment has overturned people’s imagination on payment instruments, altered the system of the payment industry and its participant structure, and set a new milestone for internet of things-based mobile payment services. This study mainly investigated the mobile payment ecosystem based on the internet of things. Through a qualitative method, this study collected, compiled, and analyzed secondary data, used the cases of Apple Pay and Alipay Wallet, and examine in detail the cooperative relationship between the two cases’ models and constituent participants. Initially, the theory of business ecosystem was adopted to identify system members’ importance and responsibilities as well as their competitive and cooperative relationships in order to clarify the core elements for facilitating and maintaining a healthy business ecosystem. Subsequently, SWOT analysis was performed to explore the strengths and opportunities the cases possess as well as the weaknesses and threats they face as a reference for companies to formulate strategies and establish business models in the future.