摘要: | 本研究提出了「特定品牌轉換型領導與交易型領導透過個人與環境適配之中介變數,對員工品牌權益之影響為何?」。本研究以跨層次階層線性模型,聚焦與員工品牌權益較有相關之中介變數,即「個人與工作適配、個人與團隊適配、以及個人與主管適配」為關鍵中介的情況下,特定品牌轉換型領導及交易型領導是否會影響到「員工品牌權益」。本研究以國內大型銀行(以下簡稱C公司)於全台不同地區之數個營業單位之主管與員工為研究對象,在362名員工同意下,以工作團隊為單位發放紙本問卷,並進行不記名調查,回收之355份問卷中,其中38份為主管問卷,餘317份為員工問卷,有效問卷回收率為98.07%。 本研究所探討之內容分為二部分。首先,探討個人與環境適配對員工品牌權益是否有正向影響;最後提出特定品牌轉換型領導與交易型領導,是否會透過個人與環境適配對員工品牌權益有正向影響。研究結果顯示:個人與環境適配對員工品牌權益具有正向顯著影響;特定品牌交易型領導透過個人與工作適配及個人與團隊適配呈現反向顯著影響,而特定品牌轉換型領導則呈現正向顯著影響;惟兩領導方式透過個人與主管適配與員工品牌權益皆無相關,亦即不具中介效果。 本研究貢獻如下。第一,探討三種個人與環境要素的適配,對員工品牌權益之影響,更能深入了解可影響員工品牌權益之變數;第二,以主管層面之兩領導風格透過個人層面之環境中介變數,探討員工品牌權益,並以階層式線性模型作為分析工具;第三,提出了特定品牌轉換型領導及特定品牌交易型領導透過個人與環境之適配,對員工品牌權益的影響與重要性,可提供組織內部作為管理參考之依據。
關鍵字:員工品牌權益、個人與工作適配度、個人與主管適配度、個人與團隊適配度、特定品牌轉換型領導、特定品牌交易型領導 ;This study addressed the question of how the effects of brand-specific TRL and brand-specific TFL on employee-based brand equity. In order to answer this question, the study employed hierarchical linear modeling to analyze the moderating effects of person-job fit, person-supervisor fit, and person-group fit on the relationship between management levels and employee individual levels. This study selected the employees served in the largest domestic bank in Taiwan to be the subjects of research. 362 questionnaires were distributed in total, and among the 7 samples retrieved, 355 samples were valid(38 samples for supervisor and 317 samples for employees), forming the valid response rate of 98.07%. The content of this research can be divided into two parts. First, I explored whether “person-environment fit”(person-job fit, person-supervisor fit, and person-group fit) has the impact on employee-based brand equity. Next, I discussed the interference of person-job fit, person-supervisor fit, and person-group fit between brand-specific TRL, brand-specific TFL and employee-based brand equity. It was found that there was a positive effect on person-environment fit and employee-based brand equity. In addition, brand-specific TRL and employee-based brand equity had a negative effect through the interference of person-job fit and person-group fit. However, brand-specific TFL had totally different result from brand-specific TRL. Finally, person-supervisor fit was unrelated to these two leaderships and not mediated between them as well. The contributions of this research were as follows. First, I explored the relationship between employee-based brand equity and three person-environment fir. By this, we can understand more about the attributes to employee-based brand equity. Second, I used the hierarchical linear modeling to analyze if three different kinds of fit between person and working environment are able to mediate between the relationship between two kinds of brand-specific leadership and employee-based brand equity. Finally, I emphasized the effects and importance on employee-based brand equity and two kinds of brand-specific leadership mediated by person-environment fit in hope of providing a suggestion for internal brand management.
Keywords: Brand-specific TRL, Brand-specific TFL, Employee-based brand equity, Person-job fit, Person-supervisor fit, Person-group fi |