本論文係分析由大強子對撞機中的緊湊渺子線圈探測器所取得之對撞質子束中心能量為8 TeV、總時間積分之單位散射截面通量為19.7 /fb的數據,以尋找新理論模型預測之粒子衰變至Z玻色子與希格斯玻色子的信號。其使用b夸克標籤技術分析希格斯玻色子衰變後的b噴流來區隔信號與背景。結果已總結與報告在本論文的尾章。;The result of a search for new particles decaying to Z and Higgs bosons with subsequent decay to a final state containing two leptons and two quarks, Z′→Zh→llbb, is reported. This analysis is based on the proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV collected with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7/fb. Subjet b-tagging techniques are exploited for separating the signal from the SM background when the boost of the Higgs causes the two b quarks to merge into the same jet reconstructed in the detector, and the exclusion limit result based on two dimension shape method is presented.