社會企業在台灣發展逐漸成熟,為弱勢族群、教育、環境等社會議題發聲。水牛文化事業與社會企業做結合,產生了我愛你學田市集,為新屋客家偏鄉的弱勢孩童教育努力創造未來。期盼將閱讀習慣帶入城鄉差異極大的客家偏鄉中,更期盼當地的孩童能夠享有與都市相同的教育資源。以亞歷山大.奧斯瓦爾德(Alexander Osterwalder)、依夫.比紐赫(Yves Pigneur)所提出的商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)分析與評估,作為研究個案的分析工具,讓其客家地區之社會企業能藉創新商業模式活化發展。本研究採用內容分析法與深度訪談法進行資料蒐集以達到研究目的。研究發現透過商業模式創新經營社會企業,其成本結構影響社會企業運作甚深,可說是社會企業成功的重要關鍵之一。再者水牛文化事業以土地、孩子、分享為主要核心價值與三重底線相互呼應,形成實踐社會企業的主要理念與使命。藉由台北水牛書店與我愛你學田市集之營運,來支持桃園新屋水牛書店給予弱勢孩童學習機會。水牛文化事業以客家傳統文化晴耕雨讀為基底,延伸到社會企業的發展。創造新希望來活絡客家偏鄉地區,也實踐平衡教育城鄉差異之夢想。
關鍵字:客家社會企業、三重底線、創新、商業模式、水牛文化事業;Social enterprise becomes well-developed gradually in Taiwan which voices for many social issues such as underprivileged groups, education and environment. Business combination between Buffalo Book Co. and social enterprise founded I Love You Rice Market which creates opportunities for Hakka rural education in Xinwu. Also, it hopes to develop the habit of reading in Hakka rural area which has big urban-rural gap in there and anticipates the local child can have the same education resources in urban areas. The analysis and evaluation for case study in the research is based on the Business Model Canvas proposed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. The analysis and evaluation in the research are aimed to help social enterprise active development with innovative business model. The research collects data with adopts content analysis and in-depth interviews to achieve the research purpose. The research founded that cost structure has big effect on social enterprise operation when a social enterprise running with innovative business model, that is to say, it’s one of the keys to success for social enterprise. Moreover, Buffalo Book Co. takes land, child and share as the core values which echo the value of triple bottom line. The value also forms the main concept of practicing social enterprise. Supported By operating Taipei Buffalo Book Co. and I love You Rice Market; Buffalo Book Store in Xinwu Taoyuan can provide learning opportunities for disadvantaged children. The development of Buffalo Book Co. is based on the Hakka traditional culture, Qing Geng Yu Du which means people should work hard when they’re on duty and study hard when they get off work, and extends to the development of social enterprise. Meanwhile, it intends to perk up Hakka rural areas with new hopes and makes the dream of balancing the education gap between urban and rural areas come true.
Keywords: Hakka social enterprise, Triple bottom line, Innovation, Business model, Buffalo Book Company.