自1970年代退出聯合國以來,「台灣」逐漸取代「中國」成為「中華民國」的群體認同,這個模糊的認同框架,在和中華人民共和國爭奪中國代表性的鬥爭失去意義後,成為解嚴後各方勢力的話語權角逐對象,然而在冷戰後國際政治經濟重組、含混的國際地位、台灣特殊的半總統政黨政治影響下,「台灣」論述也從鄉土之情、全新的民族認同敘事演變成去歷史化的公民身分政治,此外其挾帶的強烈情感義憤也使「台灣」逐漸作為階級區分、排除異己的霸權論述。本研究旨在追溯此論述自歷史敘事轉變成強烈情感認同的歷史過程。;Before 1970s, Love Taiwan (愛台灣) as a catchphrase was no more than a nonchalant statement of personal affection for homeland, since during KMT government’s authoritarianism rule Taiwan did not carry any political connotations beyond geographical location, but in the decades that followed, when rapid changing international context made democratization movement took on more and more legitimacy in Taiwan, a significant change in affect also took place that transformed the political milieu completely: the emergence of “Taiwan” as a framework of identification raised the term from a mere geographic location to a lived space invested with familial as well as patriotic emotions; in the end, it even became a moral rhetoric which testified one’s good citizenship in contemporary Taiwan. This paper will trace the context that prompted the transformation of Love Taiwan (愛台灣) from a distinctive ethnic connotation into a seemingly neutralized expression of civic pride that implied class distinction.