摘要: | 由於全球人口結構的轉變,高齡化與少子化影響經濟發展,本研究先從國外的勞工退休金制度進行了解與分析,再就國內勞工退休金制度的現況,分別以政府、企業及個人三方的觀點,探討勞工為什麼要做個人退休理財規劃? 美好的未來需要更早、更好的退休理財規劃,過去學術上較少以實務的操作技巧進行研究,本研究認為個人退休理財規劃須要有一套完整符合邏輯思考,運用科學方法將需求予以量化的規劃流程,因此,本研究提供一套完整的個人退休理財規劃步驟,並進行年輕族群個案模擬分析,驗證及早規劃的效益。 本研究預期在一系列的退休理財規劃步驟中,個人得以建構自己的退休藍圖,透過設定退休理財目標,落實自我認知,輕鬆掌握自己的財務現況與財務能力,做好現金收支管理,理性消費,落實資產配置,嚴守紀律,長期投資,改善過去的理財迷思,讓退休理財計劃得以被執行,以維護自身老年經濟安全,過一個有尊嚴的退休晚年。;Due to the change of demographic structure, aging and declining birthrate are affect the economic development. Firstly this study started to understand and analyze of Labor Pension System on foreign , and then on the domestic labor status of the pension system trying to figure out why personal retirement financial planning is necessary for labor from prospects of government, enterprise, and labor.
For a lovely future, an earlier, better retiremment financial planing is necessary. Lacking of research by the operational skill of practice in academia, this study consider personal retirement financial planning needs a thorough, logical, scientific methodology, and a planning procedures which can quantify the demands. Therefore, this study provides a thorough methodology of personal retirement financial planning, and carries out case studies and analysis, tests and verifies the benefit of early financial planning.
This study expects that in a series of retirement financial planning procedures, we can build a personal retirement financial planning, acquaint ourselves by setting the goal of retirement financial planning, control your financial status, manage revenue and expenditure, consume rationally, allocate your assets, correct the financial planning superstition, take long-term investment, let the personal retirement financial planning can be executed, so that we can maintain retirement ourselves, have a dignity retiring life. |