迎毗設施與鄰避設施一直以來對房屋價格皆有存在一定程度上之影響。多數文獻已探討過某特定設施對房屋價格的影響。近期亦有部分文獻將迎毗設施和鄰避設施綜合評估,發現在判斷房屋價格上能更準確。 本研究之研究範圍為新北市板橋區及新莊區,除了考慮房屋本身特徵外也同時加入了迎毗及鄰避設施。經由實證結果可以歸納出幾個結論:板橋區迎毗設施為捷運站、市中心及公園;新莊區為捷運站、合署辦公大樓、公園及大學。表示民眾選擇房屋時很重視交通便利性、市中心機能及公園的綠地效益。鄰避設施方面,板橋區為醫院、宮廟、學校、大學、殯儀館及變電所;新莊區為醫院、公墓、變電所、體育場、學校及宮廟。板橋區與新莊區差異最大的是大學設施,因為國立台灣藝術大學位處偏遠,在板橋區反而成為偏遠指標。 由於每個地區皆有不同之地區特性,各區對各設施之喜好或嫌惡程度會稍有不同。此外,設施的效用會受到區位因素影響,當周圍某種設施影響力過大時,會削弱對其他設施的喜好或嫌惡之程度,甚至可能會產生相反之結果。 ;Buying a house is a big issue in one’s life, so there are lots of conditions should be thought about before making a decision, not only the attributes of the house but facilities around it. Some facilities would be welcome “YIMBY”(Yes In My Back Yard), some would be unwelcome “NIMBY”(Not In My Back Yard). For decades, many studies have focused on these two factors separately. The YIMBY is positive to property values but the NIMBY is negative. In recent years, some have begun to discuss these two factors together. Thanks for their effort, it has become more accurate when appraising property values than before. This study takes Banqiao and Xinzhuang districts in New Taipei City as research fields, and puts various facilities in the appraisal model. It turns out that MRT station, government office and park are YIMBY factors in both districts. Hospital, temple, school, university, funeral place and electricity station are NIMBY factors in Banqiao district; Xinzhuang district has almost the same result as Banqiao district except for university. The reason is that one university in Banqiao district is far from CBD which could be taken as an indicator of inconvenience. Because every district has its own characteristic, it is possible that one facility would have different levels of impact (or even opposite) in different places. When people take some facilities as the most important thing, they might consider other surrounding facilities less.