LED產業在近10年可以說是熱門產業,除了傳統的照明、背光市場外,UV殺菌、IR健康管理等應用興起,故此產業依舊熱鬧滾滾,競爭依舊激烈,加上中國在前幾年政策補貼,紅色供應鏈快速崛起,加上相關替代產品也陸續面市,如OLED產品,故金融風暴後這幾年台灣LED封裝測試產業產值成長減緩,甚至下滑,應而相對影響到LED封裝測試產業的營業毛利率。台灣LED封裝測試產業須思考如何提高產品毛利率?公司才能走得長遠,畢竟營業毛利是支撐公司成長的主要關鍵。 本文利用STATA 13軟體,應用Panel Data模型,以台灣國內上市櫃14家LED封裝測試廠商為研究對象,整理台灣經濟新報資料庫以及各公司年報,進行2009年至2015年實證分析。以營業毛利率為被解釋變數,使用負債比率、設備折舊費用、推銷費用、庫存管控費用、研發費用、匯率影響數、每人營收以及衍生光電元件產品為解釋變數。實證分析結果顯示:每人營收、推銷費用與衍生光電元件都為正相關,因此提高資源的利用率拉高每人營收,妥善運用推銷費用,以及投入相關光電封裝元件,才能提高公司毛利率。當然設備折舊以及庫存管控為負相關,故小心妥善管控,才能避免減少毛利率。 ;LED became an emerging industry since more than a decade ago. Except for general lighting, LEDs are also utilized in many things such as UV sterilization, backlight sources, and infrared (IR) LED applications in health management. Facing more competition under China’s government subsidies and the rise of "red supply chain," Taiwan LED packaging and testing industry has slow growth on output value after 2008 financial crisis, and the profit of industry is decreased as well. How to improve profits is an important topic for Taiwan LED packaging and testing manufacturers. In this paper, Econometric Analysis for Panel Data with STATA software is used to investigate what factors impact the gross profit.Data include 14 Taiwan’s LED packaging and testing companies’ annual reports and Taiwan Economic Journal from 2009 to 2015. This paper examines how the explanatory variables such as debt ratio, equipment depreciation expense, marketing costs, inventory control costs, R&D expenditure, exchange rate, sales per employee, and other optical package products impact the gorss profit as dependent variable. The findings show that sales per employee, marketing costs, and other optical package products have positive effects on gross profits. Equipment depreciation expense and inventory control costs negatively affect gross profits.