近年來隨者網際網路的普及,消費者的購物行為也隨之改變,在網路上購物對現今的年輕人來說已如呼吸般自然。在台灣各種電子商務網路如雨後春筍般冒出,而這些電商經營者通常都是以價格競爭策略來經營,這樣的經營方式致使大部分的消費者並沒有忠誠度。如何以不一樣的經營策略來吸引更多的消費者已變成電商經營者所需思考的問題。恰逢Amazon推出的小小兵紙箱在網路上引起廣泛的討論與流行風潮,因此,本研究欲探討當我們在紙箱上加上圖案形成一種更漂亮的包裝,這樣的包裝對消費者來說是否是有價值的,而這樣的價值能否改變其對通路的選擇。本研究以修改Zeithaml的知覺價值模型做為研究的基礎架構,並以「外包裝的呈現方式」與「知覺犧牲」作為調節效果,探討消費者對通路選擇的影響。 本研究以「實驗室研究法」進行研究資料的收集,並且透過SPSS 21進行資料分析,用以檢驗研究假說。而研究結果發現,有高達六到七成的受測者會因為一個漂亮的紙箱而改變其通路選擇,此外,「外包裝的呈現方式」是會有顯著的調節效果存在。 ;Along with the escalating popularity of the Internet, consumers’ shopping behavior have also changed. Shopping on the Internet is an easy task for most young people. Nowadays, there are many e-commerce companies in Taiwan, and these operators usually use competitive pricing strategy. Therefore, most consumers do not have loyalty to any e-commerce site. Are there any different business strategies that these e-commerce operators can use? Amazon.com offered the “minions box” as a promotion tool in 2015. And it raises a question: “can packaging of goods changes the way consumers select sales channels in Taiwan?” This study attempts to understand this question through a pseudo experiment, where the perceived value model is used as the theoretical foundation, while “package presentation” and “perceived sacrifice” are the moderators. Data was collected through pseudo experimentation. SPSS 21 was employed as data analysis tools. Results reveal that: (1) Almost sixty to seventy percent subjects changed channel selection with beautiful product package; and (2) “package presentation” effectively moderate channel selection for subjects.