摘要: | 戰後臺灣消防體系與觀念之建立-以火災為主的討論(1945-1985) 中文摘要 臺灣的消防工作從戰後至消防法(1985年)立法通過,一直隸屬於警察組織轄下,業務範圍較偏重於火災的搶救,而旁及其它災害。在警政體系下的消防組織,受到警察系統的框架,在面臨變動時的調整及消防工作推動,易受到內部本身組織的侷限,不易立即反應,使得消防組織的轉變,無法跟上先進國家的發展。 臺灣消防組織變革的因素,除了消防有識之士的呼籲,火災重大事件造成民眾慘重傷亡,也讓政府高層必須體察時勢,進行組織的改變,以順應日趨複雜的環境,將各縣市政府消防隊位階提升至一級單位;中央政府、省政府到地方縣市政府的行政組織管理單位專責化,以及消防工作重心的調整,搶救火災和預防火災二者並重,諸多變革,讓消防工作能有所改變。 然而,隸屬於警察系統轄下的消防單位,在人力、經費、設備各方面,受到政府財源不足、警察內部系統的因素影響,對消防人力的增加、經費的挹注、設備的充實,只能逐年漸次注入更多的經費,提升消防的戰力。 消防人才的培育,從戰後行政長官公署警察訓練所的培訓,1954年後警務處因人力不足採先補後訓的方式補充消防員額,到了1970年中央警官學校開辦消防學系,培育消防人才至大學程度,1980年設立警政研究所消防組,讓消防人才培育能更完備。 隨著經濟發展,發生火災次數也逐漸增多,因此,在社會防火教育上,政府單位經由基層會議宣導、防火須知、報章雜誌、電視媒體、教科書課程等方式,建立社會大眾及從小做起的防火觀念,來減少火災的發生。 面對種種消防問題,回歸核心,一部完備的消防法立法實施,將消防組織、人力、經費、設備加以規範,政府部門據以實行,以提升消防工作的效能,讓臺灣消防史上,在消防法立法後能完成另一個階段的改革。
關鍵字:消防、消防體系、消防法、義勇消防隊;The establishment of System and Concept of Taiwanese Fire fighting After the WWII - A discussion mainly in fire incidents (1945-1985)
Abstract Taiwan′s fire service, from World War II to the passing of the Fire and Rescue Law in 1985, was part of the police organization. The scope of work of the firefighters primarily involved fire fighting but it also included other disasters. The fire organization, under the police system, could not easily react to the adjustment or changes of any fire fighting procedures. Additionally, these changes were subject to the limitations of their own internal organization. So, the improvement of the procedures of the fire fighting organization was unable to keep up with changes being made in developed countries. The reporting of the Taiwanese Fire organization was changed, in part from the appeals of insightful firefighters and major fire incidents which caused heavy public casualties. These events forced the chief government officials to better understand the current situation. Therefore, organizational changes were made in order to adapt to the increasingly complex environment. The county municipal fire brigade rank was upgraded to the first level. The central government as well as the state, local county and city governments made the fire department a provincial administrative organization and management as a dedicated unit. This caused the focus of fire prevention and fire rescues to have equal importance. A lot of changes resulting in the transformation of the fire services. However, when the fire units were part of the police system, obtaining expenditure, equipment and additional manpower were impacted by the police internal systems and the lack of government financial resources. To increase the firefighting manpower, the expenditure as well as the equipment, the fire units could only gradually obtain more funds year after year to improve the fire fighting force. Training new talents to firefighters began with the training program of the postwar Police Training Institute of the Chief Executive Office. After 1954, new firefighters were hired and then trained by the Police due to the lack of manpower. This replenished the number of firefighters. The Central Police Officer College opened the Fire and Rescue Department in 1970, training new talents to firefighters at the university level. In 1980, the establishment of the Institute of Police "Fire and Rescue Section", provided the firefighter with training of additional new talents. With economic development, the number of fires is gradually increasing. Therefore, the government, has used entry level advocacy meetings, fire instructions, newspapers, magazines, television, textbooks and other curriculum, to educate the society on fire prevention and to establish the concepts of fire safety for the public,including educating children in school, in order to reduce the incidence of fire. Returning to the main issue of facing these fire and rescue problems, the complete passage of the Fire Services Law can regulate the fire and rescue organization, manpower, expenditures and equipment. The government has to implement this law in order to enhance the efficiency of the work of the fire and rescue. Henceforth, in the legislative of Fire and Rescue Law complete a stage of the reform in the history of fire and rescue in Taiwan .
Keywords: fire, fire system, fire and rescue law, volunteer firefighter team. |