本論文利用共線干涉式自相關儀量測超短脈衝雷射的脈衝寬度,利用LED的雙光子吸收效應取代倍頻晶體作為光偵測器來記錄脈衝之自相關訊號;此外使用喇叭的來回低頻震動達成空間延遲,藉此實現可即時在示波器直接觀測之自相關訊號。實驗上亦利用稜鏡對引入已知色散來改變脈衝寬度,藉此驗證自相關儀的準確性。最後,為達成可同時進行脈衝量測與整形之儀器為目的,論文基於利用稜鏡對搭配液晶空間光調制器的架構進行色散補償模擬來達成在已知色散下調變液晶空間光調制器的像素灰階來重現傅立葉轉換極限之脈衝。;In this study, we report a collinear interferometry based autocorrelator for measuring the pulse duration of an ultrashort laser. Based on two photon absorption generated current from the LED, autocorrelated signals can be detected. In order to achieve real-time measurement, we choose a loudspeaker to perform time delay scanning and the interferometric fringes can be observed on the oscilloscope straightaway. To verify the quality of the constructed autocorrelator we use a prism pair with known dispersion to alter the pulse duration, and the induced pulse broadening was in close agreement with the calculation. Finally, to achieve simultaneous pulse measurement and shaping, we simulate the capability of dispersion compensation basing on apparatus of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator in combination of a prism pair. We successfully find the way to allocate the grey level of pixels on the liquid crystal spatial light modulator to counteract the known dispersions that recovers distorted pulses into Fourier transform limited ones.