現階段的污水下水道工程由於工程性質、工程規模等因素,安全 衛生費用編列通常難以支應或購置必要的安全衛生設備。本文的研究 的目的是建立一個安全衛生費用編列模式,使污水下水道工程從業人 員能使用此模式,對工程專案進行可行且合理的安全衛生費用預算編 列。 為了充分了解如何執行污水下水道工程,本文進行了污水下水道 工程、安全衛生以及費用編列等相關文獻回顧,從文獻回顧中歸納後 續專家訪談問題的依據。本研究邀集了具有10 年以上污水下水道工程 相關工作經驗的32 位專家,以專家訪談的形式歸納建議結果提出安全 衛生費用編列的初步機制。 將訪談結果與所收集的12 個污水下水道工程契約案例和風險評 估工具進行結合,建立一個安全衛生費用編列模式,並使用此費用編 列模式套用於實際工程案例進行分析。研究結果顯示,合理的安全衛 生費用預算編列模式可明確將污水下水道可能之危害、所必要之安全 衛生設備、措施項目明確的載明以及量化,並降低施工中產生危害的 風險。;The current safety budgeting of sanitary sewer is usually difficult to have certain quantities for construction activities due to its nature of constructionability. The objective of the study is to establish a template guiding practitioners with reasonable safety budgeting for sanitary sewer projects. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to fully understand how sanitary sewer projects were performed, showing the guideline for the questions of expert interviews. The study adopted the open-discussing interview type and invited 32 experts with over 10 year working experience to come out with the preliminary mechanism of safety budgeting. Integrating the interview results with 12 empirical cases and risk assessment tools, a budgeting template was established. The template also was implemented using an ongoing cases. The findings suggest that reasonable safety budgeting lies in accurately quantifying risk control cost, including costs for facility and management implementation.