一個營繕工程專案,在建造階段時所產生的安全衛生風險是最高峰時期;加上近幾年來,政府不斷的積極推動各種重大建設、都市更新及都市重劃,讓國內營造業也積極的參與政府機關及民間住宅建築的營繕工程,因此,國內營造業的職安衛管理人員的需求亦不斷增加,也讓沒有營繕工程職安衛管理經驗的人員,有機會能投入到這個火車頭工業的行列中,所以能讓職安衛管理人員正確的執行管理工具,已成為營造業及管理人員本身的一個相當重要的課題。 在建造階段惡劣的施工環境,營造業特有的層層分包及再分包,基層施工人員的流動性高等狀況,使得無經驗的職安衛管理人員一投入到營繕工程中,就要立即面對瞭解與熟悉各式職安衛管理工具的龐大壓力及挑戰,對工程專案來說,是沒有多餘的摸索期可供適應;再者,國內營繕工程專案採用的職安衛管理工具眾多,然並未有文獻對其進行系統性彙整與分析。基於以上兩點原因,本研究的重點著重於彙集國內營繕工程中,常見且慣用的職安衛管理工具,並以其特性進行分類,再加以分析整理各種使用工具的使用時機、執行方法及遭遇之困難,並將遭遇之困難彙整分析,透過專家訪談提出解決對策,期望藉由本研究之成果,提供建議予初投入營繕工程的職安管理人員,做為在執行職安管理工作時的參考,讓管理人員未來在執行職務時,能縮短模索期,進而能立即提升營繕工程工地的安全環境。 ;The peak of safety and health risks is during the construction stage in a project. In recent years, that government encourages and promotes major constructions, urban renewals and re-planning ensures the active participation of domestic contractors into public and private construction projects. Therefore, the demand on occupational safety and health (S&H) management personnel in the construction industry is increasing and as a result, people without relevant knowledge and experience could be enrolled in the industry. Thus, applying S&H management tools correctly and properly is essential for occupational S&H management personnel in the construction industry. However, the S&H management personnel with no or limited experience have to immediately face the great pressure and challenge of the harsh working environment, the unique culture of layers of subcontracting, and the situation of high turnover rate of fundamental construction workers. There is no exploration time to adapt to the project. In addition, no existing literatures systematically summarize and discuss various common S&H management tools used in construction project. Therefore, this research focuses on the commonly used management tools, categorizes them by their characteristics, and analyzes the timing, situations and difficulties of applying these tools. The difficulties are collected and analyzed, and solutions to these difficulties are proposed through expert interviews. The results of this research will shorten the exploration period of novice S&H management personnel and become their working reference while executing the tasks. Furthermore, working environments are expected to be improved