由於高階核廢料外洩將對環境與生物造成巨大的危害,因此目前對高階核廢料最常見的處置方式,核廢料的處置場多挑選在相當深度的岩盤地層中,藉由工程和天然的障壁形成複數障壁系統,將高放射性核廢料放置在地底深處與自然環境隔絕。其中,鑽挖岩洞將貯放核廢料的廢棄物罐放置其中,周圍設置緩衝材料,讓廢棄物罐不易受到地表環境、人為和地層作用的影響,是國際核能先進國家咸認為較可行的方式。然而台灣位於環太平洋地震帶,地震發生的頻率相當的高,由於地震引發的振動,對廢棄物罐、周圍緩衝材料及處置孔之安全評估有一定影響,值得進一步的研究與探討。 本研究假設廢棄物罐處置於地底下一定深度的完整花崗岩岩盤中,處置孔視為完整無變形及無破裂的處置空間。參考KBS3-V設計概念,以1/10的縮尺比例進行縮尺模型設計,以鋁合金試驗箱模擬岩體,透過地工離心機提供10倍地球重力場的加速度力場,振動事件輸入15週期之等振幅類正弦波,量測不同位置的加速度反應與孔隙水壓力及總壓力計,藉以瞭解廢棄物罐與緩衝材料於處置孔內受振時的振動行為。 考量緩衝材料於不同時期下的狀況進行共計6組振動試驗,緩衝材料於17%含水量下,於廢棄物罐表面量測到較大的加速度與接觸壓力反應。但在有水入侵時,緩衝材料於17%含水量或是近飽和狀態下,廢棄物罐的加速度與接觸壓力降低。在試驗結束後進行檢視,發現緩衝材料於17%含水量下,無地下水入侵及有地下水入侵條件下,有裂隙存在於緩衝材料。 ;For high-level waste (HLW) disposal, the HLW is isolated from natural environment by multi-barrier systems including engineering and natural barriers in the deep ground. The disposal holes would be drilled in host rock and set up with canister and buffer. Then the canister is not easily affected by natural operation, humanity activities and tectonic movement with high stability. However, Taiwan is located at Circum - Pacific seismic zone which earthquake occurs frequently. As a result, the effect of earthquake-induced vibration on the canister, buffer and disposal hole is needed to be investigated. This research assumes that the deposition is set up in granite layer at certain depth. The disposal hole is regard as an entire intact space without deformation and cracks. Referring to KBS-3V concept and geometry, the test model is built with 1/10 scale of prototype. Through the centrifuge modeling, 10 g artificial acceleration field is created to simulate in situ stress of canister from buffer material. Seismic events is input by shaking table with 15-cycle sinusoidal waves. During shaking, acceleration, pore water pressure and total pressure histories are measured in order to realize the seismic behavior of canister and buffers in the disposal hole. Considering different states of buffer material and conditions, in total, 6 dynamic models are conducted. In buffer at 17% water content condition, large acceleration and contact pressure is measured at the surface of canister. When water invades to buffer at 17% water content and close to saturated conditions, the acceleration and the contact pressure on the canister are both reduced. After the test, cracks were found on the surrounding buffer materials for the model buffer at 17% water content condition without water invasion and water invasion cases.