小型電離層探測儀(Compact Ionospheric Probe, CIP)地面電子測試設備(Electrical Ground Segment Equipment, EGSE),可以對CIP進行先期的功能測試與儀器的驗證。早期係由福爾摩沙衛星五號先進電離層探測儀(Advanced Ionospheric Probe, AIP)的酬載模擬器(Instrument Simulation Device, ISD)開始發展,隨後根據配置與需求,發展出指令與資料管理裝置(Command and Data Management Unit, CDMU)模擬器和科學酬載電子系統(Science Payload Electronics Unit, SPEU)模擬器。本論文所研製的是預計放在INSPIRESat-1上的CIP所需的EGSE,可以完整的測試 CIP 的硬體功能與驗證資料傳輸介面,並在未來可協助CIP飛行體的功能測試和各項環境測試。此外,軟體部分是用LabVIEW的Queued Message Handler(QMH)架構撰寫,此架構可以平行處理多個程式區段,增加程式的執行速度。;A new Electrical Ground Segment Equipment(EGSE) is designed for Compact Ionosphere Probe(CIP) to perform functional test. The CIP is anticipated to install on the INSPIRESat-1, which is a 6U cubesat. The EGSE was early developed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe(AIP) Instrument Simulation Device. Soon after, the EGSE depends on AIP structure and requirements to design the Command and Data Management Unit(CDMU) simulator and Science Payload Electronic Unit(SPEU) simulator. In this thesis, it will introduce a test procedure with the EGSE ana the CIP prototype. Furthermore, the software of the EGSE is programming by LabVIEW Queue Message Handler(QMH) Template. The QMH facilitates multiple section of code running in parallel.