隨著電子元件操作功率、運算速度和積體電路密度不斷提升,元件操作時所產生之高溫將反噬電子元件的操作效能,而廢熱問題也愈顯明顯且重要,而熱電材料是一種能將電與熱直接互相轉換,因此我們希望能有效利用廢熱來產生電能。以現今半導體產業來說,若要將熱電材料元件整合於積體電路中以達到熱管理之功用,唯有使用矽基材料才可相容。本實驗室先前已針對矽奈米緞帶在SOI上的電導率與熱導率研究,因此本研究以矽奈米緞帶在SOI上作為材料基底。 將SOI試片透過氧化法將矽(Silicon)層減薄後進行一系列半導體製程(黃光微影、蝕刻、化學氣相沉積製程、金屬蒸鍍)製作出主動層厚度為100 nm且線寬為2 μm,線長為20 μm,分別在串聯的奈米緞帶上進行P型與N型重摻雜,在P與N型矽奈米緞帶連接處進行矽化反應形成NiSi金屬矽化物,最後以掀離製程完成白金線圈電極作為元件之加熱源與感測端。本實驗製作200對P型奈米緞帶串聯,在室溫300 K環境下,通以大電流產生焦耳熱而產生冷熱端溫差約 60 K,元件可產生Seebeck電壓150 μV。;With the rapid miniaturization of electric devices to boost the switching speed and to increase the number of components per integrated circuit (IC) chip, performance and reliability of devices are severely threatened by the higher operating temperature. Besides, waste heat issue becomes more important. Thermoelectric materials can transform the energy between heat and electric directly. We wish it can recover the waste heat to produce the power. In today’s semiconductor industry, Si-based thermoelectric materials fit in ICs that we can make a proper thermal management. We have done the research of the electric and thermal conduction of nanoribbon on the SOI (Silicon On Insulator). Therefore, we choose the above material base in this research. By doing a series of semiconductor manufacturing, we make a 100-nm-thickness, 2-μm-width, 20-μm-length active layer, followed by heavy doped of Boron and Phosphorus in P and N type semiconductor respectively. Form the Nickel Silicide on the junction of P and N, and make the Platinum sensing coil acting as heater and sensor by lift-off processes. We make 200 pair of P-type nanoribbon in series, which produces 150 μV Seebeck voltage by 60 K temperature difference.