近年來,由於現代化與都市化的影響,客家文化逐漸式微。本研究欲以「桃園市客家禮俗教育協會」為對象,探討政府的補助對地方客家社團在角色及功能上所產生的影響。本研究採用質性研究,透過文獻分析與深度訪談的方法進行。研究結果發現:受政府補助額度較低的客家社團,其擁有較高的自主性,同時與政府間的協力為敵對關係,因而促成其與其他非營利組織間的協力為密切的合作關係。政府應建立一套補助的標準、強化地方客家社團在公民參與、政策倡議等方面的能力、並建立整合性的平台,讓客家社團間的聯繫更為頻繁,強化其社會資本。;In recent years, due to the impact of modernization and urbanization, Hakka culture gradually decline. This study aims to explore the role of government subsidy in the role and function of local Hakka society in the Taoyuan Hakka Etiquette and Education Association. This study was conducted using qualitative research, through literature analysis and in-depth interviews. The results of the study found that: by the lower amount of government subsidy Hakka society, which has a high degree of autonomy, While working with the government as a hostile relationship, thus contributing to its cooperation with other non-profit organizations for close cooperation. The government should establish a set of subsidy standards to strengthen the local Hakka community in the civic participation, policy initiatives and other aspects of the ability and the establishment of an integrated platform for the Hakka community to contact more frequently and strengthen its social capital.