本文主要探討在材料中處於不同陷阱的電子,受光照射而被激發的效率。在整個模擬過程中加入了量子機率的概念,作為決定電子是否被激發的判別,於是光激發的特性可以經由解動力學方程式得到。模擬結果顯示光激發訊號的大小不只受初始陷阱濃度的影響,同時能隙大小、激發光的頻率範圍都會改變發光強度大小。更進一步,可以由模擬結果預測材料的光激發特性,作為日後設計實驗的依據。 This study discussed the optical pumping effects by two trapped electrons competition in material. In simulation, quantum probability concept was recruited as the criterion of pumping electronic algorithm and the optical luminescence properties could be obtained by solving the dynamics equations. The result not only indicated the optically stimulated luminescence was dominantly affected by initial trapped concentration, trapped energy levels, the profile of pumping photon energy but to predict the optically stimulated luminescence material's behavior in clean-down electrons process.