摘要: | 本篇論文總共分兩部分,第一部分為提出一種利用雷射投影機的瞬時彩色光線偏折量測術(deflectometry)量測方式。藉由掃描式雷射投影機,投影出一個由紅綠藍三種圖層組成的彩色圖案到待測鏡面上,並藉由三步相移法及座標的變換,找出經過反射後的光線在觀測面上的橫向像差,再經由兩個方向的橫向像差,重建出波前像差,並利用光學模擬軟體CodeV去驗證此系統準確度,由於此量測系統是一個瞬時量測系統,我們也能利用它去觀察空氣受熱之擾動現象;我們也同時對了此系統的投影機以及CCD相機的性能做了修正,在投影機方面,我們對其伽瑪曲線做了測試及修正;投影機方面,我們對其拜爾濾色鏡對於不同顏色間的干擾做了量化的修正,最後,我們也研究了如何解決投影機伽瑪能力不足的方式,也就是藉由掃描更多條紋,以彌補投影機性能上的不足。 此論文第二部分為提出了一種創新的雷射雷達設計方式,此設計藉由一組萊斯利稜鏡組(Risley prism pair)來控制雷射光源的指向方向,並經由一個拋物面鏡使被待測物體反射之訊號進入到光偵測器中。在此部分中,我們設計了一組配合此雷達系統的萊斯利稜鏡組,並經由輻射度學計算找出此雷達最大之工作距離,最後,也完成了控制此雷射雷達指向性與萊斯利稜鏡組旋轉角度之間關係的程式。 ;There are two parts in this study, in section A, we present a novel three-color quick-testing deflectometry using a scanning laser projector. We use laser projector to project a rainbow like pattern which is composed by red, green, and blue sinusoidal fringe to the mirror we want to test, then the transverse ray aberration is reconstructed by phase shifting and modulating the coordinate. At last, we can reconstruct the wavefront aberration by two orthogonal transverse ray aberration. In this study, we present an instantaneous optical measure system, so we also use it to observe the change of the atmosphere refract index if the atmosphere is heated by fire. We will use CodeV to simulate this testing system for predication. We also test the ability of the projector and CCD camera we use. For projector, we test the gamma curve of the projector and find a way to optimize it. For CCD camera, we test the crosstalk of different color of this CCD, then we use a mathematical way to correct it. At last, we find a solution to correct the problem of projector’s grayscale ability, the answer is that we need to project more fringe to the mirror we want to test, such as N-bucket phase shifting algorithm. In section B, we present an advanced laser lidar optical system, we use Risley prism pair to control the direction of diode laser, and then we use an off-axis parabolic mirror to make sure that the laser signal reflected by the object far away will go into the optical sensor. In the section, we design a Risley prism pair for this optical system, and we also calculate the maximum sensing distance of this lidar system. At last, we finish the program of finding the relationship between the direction of laser and the rotation angle of Risley prism pair. |