社交與情感能力是人類生活中不可或缺的能力之一。本研究嘗試運用EQ課程來提升學齡孩童的社交與情感能力與自我概念。課程教材選用Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) 的部分章節。本研究於台灣桃園與新竹地區的7所國小,招募了447名四到六年級學生。在課程開始前與結束後,學生,家長及老師皆須填寫相關問卷與個人資本資料。前測的結果顯示女性孩童的社交能力高於男性孩童;男性孩童的問題行為較女性孩童多;家庭收入較高的孩童,自我概念與社交能力皆高於家庭收入較低的孩童,問題行為亦較少;由父母照顧的學生,問題行為較由祖父母或親戚照顧的學生少,自我概念亦其較高。比較課程前後的結果,則顯示出許多控制變項,如:家庭結構、主要照顧者,或性別等變項,在研究主要關注的變項,如:問題行為,或家庭環境等變項上,有二因子,或三因子的交互作用。;Social and emotional competence is an important aspect of human development and contributes to learning, performance, interpersonal relations, as well as over well-being. In the current study, we examined whether a classroom-based training could enhance or otherwise influence school-aged students’ social and emotional competence and self-concept. Training materials were selected from the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) program. The final sample included 447 students (4-6 grades) recruited from 7 elementary schools in Taoyuan and Hsinchu areas in Taiwan. Students, parents, and teachers completed questionnaires and demographics information before and after the curriculum. Results from baseline data showed that female students registered higher social skills than male students; male students had more problem behaviors than female students; students with higher household income had higher self-concept and social skills, and fewer problem behaviors than students with lower household income; students who had biological parents as primary care takers had fewer problem behaviors and higher self-concept than students with grandparents or relatives as primary care takers. Result also showed a number of significant two- and three-way interactions among main variables, such as family structure, primary care takers, and gender on many outcome variables, such as problem behavior and family environment.