摘要: | 成效式契約(Performance-Based Contracts, PBCs)是一種有別於傳統契約類型的新形態契約,其專注於量測承商工作或服務的成果,而不式傳統契約重視的程序與結果。成效式契約有很高的潛力可被應用於不同的領域中。本研究之目的乃是透過Web of Science 資料庫中的文章釐清成效式契約的關鍵成功因素,並透過完整的文獻回顧確立PBC的應用與研究現況,進而了解成效式契約關鍵成功因素的相關趨勢。本研究已清楚釐清18個成效式契約關鍵成功因素,且可區分為五大類:契約條文、有效採購、財務、專案執行與外部。此外,經由文獻計量法(bibliometric approach),本研究亦發現成效式契約已在許多領域受到重視。期望本研究之成果可以提供預計採用成效式契約者或後續研究者做為後續應用與研究參考;Performance-Based Contracts (PBCs), a contract model for executing projects, it targets on measuring a contractor’s performance in providing work/services based on the outcomes of the work/services rather than the output of the work/services processes in traditional contracts. It has good potential to be used in many domains. The objectives of this study are to identify Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in implementing PBCs based on literature review through Web of Science database, to conduct a comprehensive review on researches regarding PBCs, and to explore the trend on CSFs of PBCs. This study has identified 18 CSFs in PBCs that are classified into five groups of factors, namely contractual arrangement, effective procurement, financial, project implementation and external. By using a bibliometric approach, this study also revealed that PBCs becomes essential in many different domains. The research outcomes would benefit various stakeholders who want to implement PBCs or to perform PBCs related researches. |