3D列印的概念最早出現於20世紀末,但至2000年後這項技術才廣為世界所知以及應用。因其於製程上不用開模以及快速成型的特性,目前也被多國列為發展重點,可望在未來的製造及生產上能有所突破。 目前已有許多專家學者提出對於3D列印產業的服務系統以及供應模式,的確能在整個3D列印產業上有許多助益,然而要推動整個產業鏈,除了良善的流程以外,3D列印機的效能也是一項很重要的因子,所以希望能找到讓3D列印機更為普及或是更加靈活的方法。為因應使用者對於精確度、生產效率、成品強韌度及成品尺寸等不同需求,將3D列印機分為數個主要部位檢視。透過模組化的生產方式,來滿足不同客戶的需求,也能夠避免不必要的成本支出以及浪費。 本研究主要利用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)來分析顧客對於產品的需求,而後利用設計結構矩陣(Design Structure Matrix, DSM)將對於機能有明顯影響的部位模組化,並完成產品架構,增進3D列印機的客製化程度以及開發效率。 ;Since 2000, the technology of additive manufacturing has been widely used and developed. Additive manufacturing has another name, known as 3D printing. Compared with traditional manufacturing process, 3D printing can produce product without mold and construct quickly. Some countries have already focused on this technology and try to make a breakthrough in manufacturing and producing. There have already existed lots of journal about the supply chain or application of 3D printers. In order to make process more efficient, I thought that 3D printers must be more flexible and wiser. To fulfill users′ requirement, like precision, productivity, size and toughness of products, we can separate our machines into parts and analyze them. Find relation between function and section, then design our machine by module, so that we can decrease our cost and avoid unnecessary waste. The research mainly uses QFD to clarify customers′ requirements and use DSM to modularize 3D printers. Try to design our machine with highly customized and more efficiently as our goal.