中文摘要 論文名稱:保健食品之機率型存貨系統建置—以A公司為例 頁數:55 校所組別:國立中央大學工業管理研究所在職專班 畢業時間及提要別:一○六學年度第二學期 碩士論文摘要 研究生:游登貴 指導教授:葉英傑 博士 論文提要內容: 本論文係以個案研究的方式,針對某一生產保健食品的生技產業做個案探討,期能藉由分析個案之原料進、銷、存的歷史數據資料,運用存貨管理理論及現有的模擬軟體,探究有效的存貨管理機制,並建立一套兼具效益的模式,提供個案公司改善目前原料庫存管理方式的參考,進而達到原料庫存成本和服務水準的最佳化。 本研究蒐集個案原料前置時間、需求的歷史數據,進行分析,運用Arena提供的工具軟體Input Analyzer,尋找最適合的機率分配;建立模型並最佳化,尋求最低總成本的原料庫存上限及再訂購點,並探討不同在不同的服務水準下,應該設置的庫存上限及再訂購點。 續將不同服務水準最佳化所得之庫存上限、再訂購點,代回模型分別重複進行100次的模擬,探討平均服務水準與平均最低總成本的關係,並建立誤差範圍。 研究成果可提供個案管理階層依據不同的服務水準,或是最低總成本的考量,決定「何時訂購」與「訂購多少數量」,並據此進行改善庫存管理機制,設定庫存上限、再訂購點的決策參考。 關鍵字:存貨管理、庫存上限、再訂購點、模擬;Abstract The study is a case study approach to analyze the historical data regarding the procurement, sale and inventory of the ingredient from a biotechnology company producing dietary supplement food. And then to establish an effective and efficient inventory control system as an example for the company by the theory of inventory management and the current simulation software. With the system, to optimize the cost of the ingredient inventory and the service quality. The study is to find out the lowest overall cost for the maximum of the ingredient inventory and reorder point by collecting the historical data of ingredient lead time and demand, by Input Analyzer from Arena and by the optimized probability distribution. It also to explore the estimated setting of the inventory maxima and reorder points within different service quality. Order points, and discuss different stock levels and reorder points that should be set at different service levels. Putting the inventory maxima and reorder points from different service quality in the model analysis and repeat 100 times. To evaluate the relevant between the mean of service quality and the mean of overall cost; to calculated the error range. The results could be a reference for the company manager to decide when to order and how much to order in the different service quality or the lowest overall cost. Furthermore, to improve the inventory management, the inventory maximum setting, and reorder points. Keywords: Inventory Management, Inventory Limit, Reorder Point, Simulation