台灣為較易受海嘯攻擊之海島,亦有十數筆歷史海嘯以及古海嘯紀錄(Wu, 2013),然而海嘯石為研究古海嘯之重要地質線索,由海嘯石最終所停留之位置,有機會一窺當時海嘯來臨時之波高與流速,並釐清動力來源,如海嘯或颱風巨浪。此外,台灣屏東九鵬已發現三顆海嘯石(Matta et al., 2013),透過分析其動力機制,有機會還原古海嘯之情境。
本研究結果顯示,半圓球山崩之側向流速將逐漸增大,且塊體浸沒深度達2.5倍半圓球直徑後,已難影響上層之流場。將模擬之尺度放大後,模擬結果之參數皆符合福祿數相似時之倍數關係。格陵蘭山崩模擬之溯上高度可達90公尺,符合Nature News報導之數據。在1:5坡度條件下,海嘯石搬運之條件為至少1.5倍直徑波高之湧潮,以及至少 √2gh 之流速。;In June, 2017, a landslide-tsunami event took place at Karrat fjord, locating at the west coast of Greenland. The volume of the landslide is approximately 45 million cubic meter. As the result, the tsunami brought destructions and several casualties to a fishing village at Nuugaatsiaq. In order to investigate further physical properties of this event, we must not ignore the high nonlinearity of breaking waves induced by great vertical vibration. Therefore, a 3D numerical analysis is taken to obtain accurately reproduce the scenario.
Rigid-Fluid Method (RFM), which solves the Navier-Stokes equation for three-dimensional incompressible flow, is developed to calculate the movement and rotation of a moving solid. With the data of the pressure and shear stress in each grid collected by Discrete Element Method (DEM), the moving solid is granted to be involved in the simulation; while the free surface is reconstructed by Piecewise Linear Interface Calculation (PLIC).
A series of simulations and analyses of the Greenland Tsunami, the Jiu Peng tsunami boulders, and a hemisphere landslide tsunami experiment have been performed. The numerical results, which concur with the literature records, indicate the correctness of this method even a moving solid is included.