隨著時代演變,科技快速進步,全球對環境與能源日益重視,在可再生能源及其裝置的發展上更加迫切。超級電容器擁有優異的功率密度與儲電能力,能提供高速充放電速率且循環壽命長,其中微型超級電容器由於可以和MEMS和CMOS集成,進一步研發為透明可撓性超電容更能在穿戴型裝置等作有效運用,引起了廣泛的研究興趣。 本研究以濺鍍MoOx/Ag多層薄膜為活性物質製備指叉式微型固態超級電容器,為了嘗試透明可撓性,也有製作可撓性基板的試片,基板選用耐高溫、抗酸鹼的天然雲母片;石墨稀當集電極以維持其透光度和導電性。指叉結構組態(指叉總數、間隙、寬度及長度)、活性物質MoOx/Ag多層薄膜的厚度參數的選定由矽基板的試片電化學性質、循環穩定性和體積比電容等多面向考慮,由電化學交流阻抗分析證實了由於銀薄膜的摻入,MoOx金屬氧化物之低導電率的缺陷得到有效的改善,使得其體積比電容與能量和功率密度遠高於基於MoOx單層薄膜結構的指叉式微型固態超級電容器,且其體積比電容隨著銀摻入的量增而逐漸增加。活性材料的高導電性對於金屬氧化物的擬電容是否能實現高的比電容以及功率和能量密度至關重要,為了探討元件經過充放電循環後,活性材料性質的改變,本研究對兩種基板上的多層MoOx/Ag薄膜進行各種電性及材料分析。 ;With the scientific and technological advancements, the society which we live is facing the energy and environmental related problems such as pollution, deficiency of fossil fuels, and global warming. In order to resolve these issues, green-energy and renewable materials as well as their devices are demanded. Supercapacitors (SCs) exhibit high specific capacitance and power density, fast charge-discharge rate, and long cycle life. In addition, they are safe in operation and environmental friendly. Recently, micro-supercapacitors (MSCs) have attracted much interests since they can be further integrated into MEMS and CMOS. In this study, we prepared all solid-state micro-supercapacitor by sputtering MoOx/Ag multilayers film as active material. We also tried natural mica flakes for substrate,which are transparent and flexible. It can also resistant to high temperature, acid and alkali. The configuration of the interdigitated structure and the thickness of the active material MoOx/Ag film are considered by their electrochemical properties, cycle stability and volumetric capacitance. It is confirmed by impedance analysis that the low conductivity defect of MoOx was effectively improved due to the incorporation of silver film. It makes its volumetric capacitance, energy and power density much higher than MoOx single-layer film. The conductivity of the active material is essential for the high specific capacitance, power and energy density of pseudocapacitor. In order to investigate the changes in the properties of active materials after the charge and discharge cycles, various electrical and material analyses were performed on the multilayered MoOx/Ag films of the two substrates.