橋梁性能評估與使用年限預測之定性及定量分析是橋梁維護管理工作有效執行的依據。瞭解橋梁系統(結構、橋址地質與環境) 狀態之檢測方式可概分為「目視檢測」及「儀器檢測」兩類。目視檢測是對橋梁系統的外觀進行劣化嚴重性的篩選, 非破壞檢測則可對於構件內部、地下、水中的幾何尺寸及劣化損傷之是否存在、位置及嚴重性作出量化的檢定。這些檢測資料將用於建立橋梁性能評估與使用年限預測的分析模型。 本研究廣泛蒐集國內、外可用於橋梁檢測之儀器、技術、應用方式,以及評估橋梁整體性能及預測使用年限之數學模式和分析方法。探討整合應用於工程實務之可行性,並嘗試透過實作方式發展本土化之評估及預測模式,俾增進橋梁及用路人行車安全。 ;The qualitative and quantitative analyses of the performance evaluation and service prediction of bridges are the basses for the effective maintenance and management works. Visual inspection (VI) and non-destructive tests (NDT) are the two major steps to understand the current health conditions of bridges. VI can sort the deterioration conditions of bridges from their outer appearances. While the NDT methods can be used to measure the material properties, dimensions and geometrical size of structural components under the ground or in the water and identify the existence, location and severity of damage inside the structure. These measured data will be used to establish and calibrate the prediction model for the performance evaluation and service life estimation of the concerned bridge. A detail literature review and investigation on the state of the art instruments, equipment, techniques for bridge NDT inspection and the analysis methods on performance evaluation and service life estimation will be conducted firstly in this research project. Then, a domestic module of bridge performance and service life estimation for the public safety of transportation is planned to be developed and validated through real applications in field.