摘要: | 我們聯合新疆天文台、上海天文台、雲南天文台,以及中央研究院團隊,利用現有望遠鏡設 備,以及兩台將建置在新疆台的TAOS 0.5米超廣角望遠鏡,研究系外行星、年輕星團、變 星,以及緊密雙星等宇宙時變現象。團隊成員在科學課題、儀器維護、軟體開發,以及資料 分析方面有高度互補性。我們將繼續探討星團的動力演化,尤其對於最低質量成員星(包括 棕矮星)的影響。本計畫組成的觀測網將以監測年輕恆星的光度與偏振,以研究行星形成時 期環星盤圍當中塵埃團塊的性質。TAOS望遠鏡快達70 Hz光度取樣,將用來監測明亮恆 星周圍可能發生的凌日事件,藉以彌補目前不完整的系外行星統計數據,並將用來觀測其他 天體時變現象。 ;We propose to study cosmic variability, including exoplanets, variable stars, young star clusters, and close binaries, using (1) existing observing facilities and data sets accessible at Lulin, Xinjiang Observatory, Yunnan Observatory, and Shanghai Observatory, and (2) two 0.5 m wide-field TAOS telescopes currently at Lulin to be relocated to Xinjiang. Our team members complement each other in terms of experience and expertise in science, instrumentation, software implementation, and data analysis. We will continue the ongoing collaboration on dynamical evolution of star cluster, especially the effects on the lowest-mass members, including brown dwarfs, using Pan-STARRS, LAMOST and other databases. Taking advantage of the longitudinal coverage of our telescope network, we will conduct photometric and polarimetric monitoring of young stars showing occultation events by orbiting circumstellar dust clumps in protoplanetary disks. The TAOS telescopes, with their fast sampling rate of imaging photometry, up to 70 Hz, will be used to search for exoplanet transits around bright stars for which the exoplanet statistics is currently lacking, and be used also for other time-domain phenomena. |