本計畫之目的為延續過去執行團隊執行兩岸地球科學合作計畫之成果,在四年的預定計畫期程內,針對台灣地區附近之地體構造,預計將於中部至西南部台灣地區選定四處以上區域,進行高密度大地電磁同時序陣列施測,希望運用高密度同時序的大地電磁資料,減小電磁雜訊干擾,對於地體結構,甚至地體運動之活躍性做出初步評估分析研究。而為補充大地電磁資料的空白,本計畫亦根據過去研究團隊開發陸上型大地電磁儀器之經驗,嘗試自製可以佈設於淺海環境之大地電磁儀。預計在後兩年投入於台灣海峽之大地電磁施測工作。本計畫期程為四年,第一年陸上部分預計將針對濁水溪區域,進行大地電磁同時序測站之佈設與資料採集工作,第二年則為嘉義東石至竹崎一帶,第三年則聚焦於台南至高雄一帶,第四年則預計佈設測站於高雄至屏東一帶區域,以提供本地區可能地下深處構造與板塊碰撞機制研究參考。預計在計畫期程時間內,完成研究區與同時序大地電磁測站建立與資料採集工作,並完成資料分析與相關訊號處理與一維與二維反演算工作,協助分析本區域之地質構造關係。 ;In the study we plan to build the marine-Land magnetotelluric (MT) synchronized movable Arrays, as the USArray project in the United States and SinoProbe project in mainland China, for synchronized MT surveys in selected areas in both the Taiwan Strait and the western foothill of Taiwan within four years. Within limited budget scale, we plan to assemble and deploy MT synchronized array systems which are expected to have the power of flexible, modulized units that are easy to be repaired and exchanged in low costs. We have developed relative processing schemes and the software for dealing with the recorded raw data in our previous works. In our design of the land-based MT survey, we plan to conduct synchronized MT surveys in the western foothill area is the SW Taiwan, including the Choushuichi river, Chia-Yi, Taiwn, Kaoshuong and Pingtung regions. To better provide data from the missing marine area, we also plan to develop our MT systems for shallow marine explorations. It is our hope to resolve the detailed structure in the areas for better understanding the tectonic nature of this part of the Central to Southern Taiwan.