摘要: | 本計畫擬利用三年的時間,研究開發以離子液體作為電解質的高電壓型鋰離子二次電池。利用離 子液體寬電位窗、低揮發、不易燃、高比熱、高熱穩定性,且物理化學性質可調控的特點,希望能 開發出高電壓、高能量密度、高功率密度、長壽命、高溫度耐受性,且安全環保的新一代鋰離子電 池。 計畫中的研究工作重點包括: (1) 建立合成各種高電壓正極材料的技術(包括層狀結構富鋰氧化 物(x Li2MnO3‧(1-x) LiMO2)、尖晶石結構氧化物(LiMxMn2-xO4),以及橄欖石結構磷酸鹽(LiCoPO4、 LiNiPO4 等))。(2) 針對各種正極材料,設計具不同陰陽離子組成以及不同物化特性的離子液體,以 增進匹配性。(3) 針對各種不同的應用需求,尋求不同的電極材料與離子液體配方搭配組合。(4) 利 用同步輻射光源進行各種臨場材料分析,探討電極於離子液體電解質中的儲能反應機制與充放電性 能穩定性,並依此作為電極材料以及離子液體的進一步設計與改良的基礎。(5) 整合研究成果,組裝 實體全電池,評估其各種性能(除基本充放電性能外,亦包括高溫承受性、循環穩定性,以及操作安 全性等),並與電池產業配合嘗試將研發成果應用化。 ;This three-year research project aims at developing high-energy-density Li-ion batteries (LIBs), which incorporate high-voltage cathodes and ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes. Owing to the large electrochemical window, non-volatility, non-flammability, excellent thermal stability, and tunable physicochemical properties of ILs, the proposed new-generation LIBs will possess high energy/power density, wide operation temperature range, long cycle life, high safety, and is more environmentally friendly than the conventional LIBs with organic electrolytes. The main tasks of this project include: (1) Fabrications of high-voltage cathode materials (such as layered x Li2MnO3‧(1-x) LiMO2, spinel-type LiMxMn2-xO4, and olivine-type LiCoPO4 and LiNiPO4). (2) Design of various IL electrolytes (with required physicochemical properties) for the cathodes to optimize their performance. (3) Proposing desirable electrode/IL electrolyte combinations according to the application requirements. (4) Using synchrotron-radiation in-situ analytical techniques to study the energy storage (and performance deterioration) mechanisms of various electrode/IL systems. (5) Assembly of the LIBs (full cells) incorporating high-voltage cathodes and IL electrolytes for evaluations of their charge-discharge performance, high-temperature reliability, cyclic stability, and safety. Our research team will also cooperate with battery industrials, trying to translate the laboratory results into practical applications. |